Shirt: JCrew Factory. (30% off today! use code: SPLASHYSALE) Shorts: Target. Shoes: Nordstrom. Bag: Rebecca Minkoff. Belt: Target.
I don’t really know what I was thinking with this outfit. It’s kind of formal. Not that I mind formal, I mean I’d wear a tulle skirt to church and maybe even the grocery store with probably minimal shame, but I mean it looks like I’m going to the office, or something like that, and I most definitely don’t work in an office. Although, are trouser shorts like a thing one could actually wear to work? Someone who works in a more formal office/type setting please tell me if this is a possibility. And if so, these shorts are rather magnificent despite my distaste for shorts in general and my particular legs in them. I mean, I saw them and thought… “SOFT PINK!” And then I was like, “who am I?” Because there were several years where I had literally nothing pink in my closet–I just didn’t understand the color, and now it seems to be the only thing I buy. (Don’t worry Navy, I will never quit you.)
Yesterday, I had quite the interesting day where I did lots of normal mom type stuff and life was good. Wow, that was interesting wasn’t it? But I did go to Costco. I don’t know when I converted to Costco-sim, but it was a truly magnificent day. Man, I love that place and all their bulk produce. (It’s seriously the best produce ever.) And I have this sort of weird totally unjustified pride that we live in the place where Costco was born. I mean, I shop at the Costco next to (what I think) are the headquarters. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah. Costco. So the carts are rather, ahem, large. Those two seater child seats in front came in reeeaaal handy when I had three small kidlets in the nest and not at school during the day. I can tell you out of experience that you can, in fact, fit 3 children in the two-seater should that need ever arise. Anyway, the carts! They are so big, and almost taller(?) than normal carts which always seems like no big deal when I’m getting started. But food shopping for 6 human beings is crazy town and by the end of the trip, my cart is piled about as full as it can possible get, and then I’m the one pushing it. All 4’11” of me, getting a running start to push that thing around the store. Ava perched up front sneaking grapes out of the grape box before (!) we’ve paid for them. (Which, by the way I NEVER would have allowed the older three to do, and I can’t understand why). The whole scene is rather comical, and even I’m aware of that. But just in case I’m not aware of it, quite a few fellow shoppers feel the need to inform me that a. “that cart is bigger than me.” (pretty sure it’s bigger than everyone.) b.”Is that ALL for me?” (yes I’m hoarding.) and c. “You don’t look big/old enough to be her mom!” (we’ll just leave the other three I’ve got at school out of this… too long of an explanation.)
shop the look, plus more of my blush/leopard favorites!

Gotta love being short! The funny thing is – I never feel short unless I am around tall people :-)
I’m the same way! haha! Or if I see myself in a picture with other people, I’m like “what the heck?! am I really that short?” Haha
I had a boss who wore shorts like that to work with a matching jacket. It was very well into the dog days of summer, though…when it was like hot hot. She wore them with very tall wedges, if I remember correctly. I didn’t think TOO much of it, but I’m sure some of the ladies (maybe older…but she was over 50 herself) were jealous and salty over it. This woman was unusually fit and had good calf muscles (and no veins or other leg issues) so it wasn’t gross like it would be if I wore them. haha
Love your shorts<3
Shall We Sasa
I’m a librarian and I wear shorts like that to work :) Usually with tall wedges. I can’t stand wearing pants in the summer (I’m in the UP and our summer is SHORT so I try to take full advantage), so I usually alternate between dresses, skirts, and Bermuda shorts for the summer.
I love the idea of wearing shorts with wedges! I’ll have to try it out! I’m the same way about pants, except wide legs linen and my beloved boyfriend crops. ;-)
I hope you were there yesterday at lunch time, to see both my girls lose their minds in a pizza deal gone wrong. It was quite the spectacle. Love that shirt and the pink gingham from the other day!
LOL. been there. so many times!
i don’t think that we can wear shorts in our workplace unless it’s: over 90 degrees!
ladies in navy
Oh dear. Please do remind us all, yet again,how incredibly young-looking you are. We haven’t heard it enough here.
Wow, so annoyed with one little sentence. Yikes. Okay, here goes. I wasn’t aware that I talked about how young-looking I am all that often. If I do, then sorry about that. That would probably be incredibly annoying. And to clarify, I don’t actually think I look all that young. I think I look 32, which is my age. When I look in the mirror, that’s what I see, and I like that. I like my age and I want to look it. It’s become a kind of joke in our house because I’ve gotten some kind of remark on this almost daily basically my entire life. I don’t think I look young, I think I look SHORT and people for some unbeknownst reason to me equate short with young. If you were told at 13 that you looked 8, like I was, you would probably not see the whole, “everyone thinks you’re much younger than you are” thing as something to brag about. I don’t see it that way, I see it as something to laugh about because it used to bother me enormously and now I just think it’s funny. I like to share funny things here, because it’s a blog. the end.
Wow, that was unkind. I, too, get asked all the time if my kids are all mine, and that I couldn’t possibly be old enough to have them all. I think as we get older, people younger than us look much younger, sometimes than they actually are. I am not short (5’7, pretty average) and definitely not young at 37. My oldest is 13 though and my youngest is 6 and people are often surprised that my four children are all mine and ask me if I am their sister/nanny/babysitter/anything else they can think of ALL.THE.TIME. It is funny, and a joke with us as well. Even my kids laugh about it now (although they all think I look old :P)
Oh and the shopping for 6 at costco, forget it! That cart is so full, I can’t believe you can push it! Thankfully, our costco is only 5 minutes from our house and I am there every week so it doesn’t have to get so full. Except it still does.
Been there pushing the cart and thinking, “I can’t see over my kid”. I’m 5′, so I can empathize with you. And I hate being asked if I am my kids’ mom, I mean I suppose it will pay off when I am old and look super young, but when does that set in? For now I will try to grin.
Love the touch of cheetah.