I know, I know. My posting has been dismal as of late. But, you guys. Between traveling for half of August, my husband being gone in Japan on business, the kids going back to school, traveling again over labor day, and working on a great big project with my husband (more on that later), blogging has slipped way down on the totem pole.
Here’s a little glimpse at what we’ve been up to lately according to instagram:
We spent a couple weeks on the Oregon coast and a few days down in my hometown in California. Showing my kids where I went to elementary school, letting them play with my cousin’s kids. We stopped in Portland on our way down. I had a ton of recommendations to grab Salt and Straw ice cream, and holy cow. It was amazing. Loved the design of the space as well.
The houses in Portland aren’t charming at all… kidding.
Hannah on the beach in Oregon. Can you even believe how grown-up she’s looking? I die.
The last day on the beach in Oregon with my not-so-little-anymores. The beaches in Oregon aren’t the warmest, but I challenge you to find softer more powdery sand…
summer’s over, school’s back in session.
These boots. On serious repeat. I even bought them in a second color.
(The website reviews say size up, but I ordered my regular size and they fit like a glove.)
Sweater. Hat. Jeans. (on sale!) Bag. Top. Boots.
It really, really felt like fall in Seattle a couple weekends ago. Right now it’s back to the, I can’t decide what season it is, routine, but I’m confident full-fledged sweater weather is just around the corner. I’m obsessed with waterfall cardigans right now. Can’t get enough of them. Also, these are probably the best pair of skinny jeans I’ve ever owned and they’re on sale right now.
The London Plane in Pioneer Square. I try not to be too biased, but I think Seattle is just the most charming.
boots. jeans. sweater. bag. shirt.
Boots from above, because they’re worth another look.
So, these three went back to school the week before last, which was sad, but also happy. It’s good to have a routine again, but sometimes my house just feels too quiet. It’s funny how the older my kids get, the more my brain thinks about them in all those moments when I’m just letting my mind wander. For the last couple years my husband and I have been really wrapped up in wanting to prepare our kids for their future. In fact, I think about it all the time.
When you wake up one morning and suddenly have a ten year old, it’s a little bit of a “deer in the headlights,” mixed with “how the heck did that happen so fast” kind of feeling. Anyway, the point is, my life has definitely pivoted to a much more “I’m molding human’s into what (I hope) will become responsible, happy, healthy adults someday,” direction, as opposed to the more wiping, feeding, bathing, and cleaning routine of early parenthood. While I love this stage (so, so much!) it’s also a little intimidating. Because I want to do a good job raising my kids, and I want them to be prepared for the future. And sometimes, that feels like a very big, daunting responsibility.
Basically, in a nutshell, my husband and I have been working on something brand new; designed just for kids. A tool of sorts, to help them learn principles that will help them thrive in life.
We’re launching next week, and I cannot wait to show it to you. Because it’s a project that I really believe in, and it’s also so much fun…
(even if it’s been absorbing pretty much all my time as of late…)
Shirt. (on sale!) Jacket. Shoes. Fave new jeans. bag.(similar.)
I’d like to think I was the first person to use the phrase momiform, but I think that would be a bit presumptuous. And now since that word is the definition of overused we’ll just call this my casuform. Because that’s so much better. (not.)
Straight outa green gables, I tell you. I’ve got Anne on the brain right now. (locals, this awesome house is in Mukilteo, right by the lighthouse at the ferry landing. Get yourself an ice cream and stroll around the grounds for a bit.)
Temple Square last weekend. We ventured to Utah to watch my dad get remarried. Can we all acknowledge how weird divorce is? I don’t care how old you are when it happens. Also, I never would have in a million years thought I’d be okay watching my dad (or mom for that matter) get married to someone else. But you know, time. It heals all wounds. And while the actual event felt a little twilight-zoney to me. (I’d have to have been a corpse for it not to feel that way.) I was genuinely happy to for my dad to find happiness again.
And I don’t mean to brag, but Mormons know their flowers. The grounds at Temple Square in SLC are legit.
Old Faithful!
A quick trip to Idaho to visit the Mr.’s homestead where he grew up, and then a day trip to Yellowstone, because it’s practically in the backyard. (and by backyard I mean two hours away.) But still. Close enough. We ate at the Old Faithful cafeteria, I ate there once as a kid on a family road trip, and remembered it as really really good food. And you guys. It still is! Don’t you love when that happens?! The buffalo chili and the pulled pork sandwich… just trust me.
We drove so much last weekend. We probably crammed 2,000 miles into 4 days. The kids were soooo over it by the end. But hey! Here’s my travel outfit. As comfortable as pajamas, without looking (or feeling) like I just wore pajamas.
Washington’s lighthouse game is very strong. (Mukilteo in case you’re interested. Right by the Ferry to Whidbey.) I am obsessed with where I live.
Speaking of obsession: these boots. Cognac dreams are coming true all over the place and they’re under $100. (plus the quality gets two thumbs up) Come on fall, hurry up and stay!
blazer. plaid shirt. (similar.)
my tweed blazer {finally} came and it’s even better than I was hoping! I don’t even have to alter it! {miracle.}
Just for reference for all you ladies out there, I ordered a U.S. 2 petite. (their 2 is more like a 0 or 00)
Also, a few questions I got on instagram about my make-up.
I use this eyeliner. I’ve used it for over a decade and every time I try something different I always go back to that one. It’s that good. Plus it’s cheap, goes on easy, stays on and doesn’t smudge.
My lips are a combo of this lipstick in Fairest nude, and this liner.(in nightmoth) You have to kind of play with how heavy you apply the liner, because the darker you go the browner or deeper the berry tone, once you apply the lipstick. And blend, blend, blend!
Okay, now speaking of instagram, I thought I would do a quick explanation of the whole LIKEToKno.IT thing. If you have no clue what I’m talking about, it’s this thing you keep seeing at the bottom of peoples instagrams: @liketkit #liketkit www.liketk.it/989jk.
Maybe you’ve been wondering what it is, or maybe you don’t care, but I thought I would address it here, in case anyone was confused about what it is, because you guys, it’s such a brilliant system.

Aw your life sounds like it’s been really busy! My dad remarried when I was 17 and while it was definitely a challenge, things have gotten easier over the years. I was also younger when it happened.
I love LTK as long as it’s used with transparency. Cannot STAND when people who don’t want to use LTK ask where something is from and the blogger refuses to answer, referring them directly to LTK. I use LTK myself but also tag brands when possible and am open with where I got things even if I might lose commission because ya know, basic niceness!
Love all your photos<3
Shall We Sasa
You always seem ahead of us with weather on the west coast. It has been HOT HOT HOT here, and I’m fine with that. The leaves are still changing and falling, though…prob because it is desert dry. Love the travel outfit and can’t wait to see the project and the blazer full on. Appreciate your candor on the personal matters…helps us all put things in perspective. Not really sure if I understand the liner/lipstick blending stuff, but I suppose I could try.
I purchased the Loreal Fairest Nude and the Mac Nightmoth and for the life of me cannot get it to look as amazing as you do in all your photos! Would you please, please consider doing a video on how you do your makeup as well as this lip liner and lipstick combo? I would be so grateful! Thanks!