Skirt: J.Crew Factory.(also love this one and this one.) Sweater: Loft. (old. similar here and here.) Silk Blouse: Everlane. Tights: J.Crew Factory. Necklace: Target. (similar here and here.) Sunglasses: Kate Spade. Shoes: Enzo Angiolini. (similar here and here.) Bag: H&M. (sold out. similar here and here.)
It seems like every single year, this color is the “it” color for fall/winter, (well, except a few years ago when it was all about emerald) but really who’s complaining. Burgundy (or wine, port, maroon, marsala, oxblood, etc. etc. etc) is really such a gorgeous color.
I remember as a kid having my color analysis done, (not sure why? I was maybe ten…) and they told me I was an autumn. Imagine my delight, as autumn was even then my favorite season. I still didn’t know much about what that actually meant for me, now I know that it means I look good in warmer colors and rich jewel tones, and I literally do the happy dance every time the weather turns cold again and I can start wearing those colors again. It also means that burgundy is one of my power colors. But I kind of think burgundy is everyone’s power color, I really haven’t ever seen anyone in burgundy and thought that it doesn’t really work for them…
Dressing in monochromatic burgundy might seem like a bit of a fashion risk, but if you really love a color (and it’s not over the top- like neon) why not try dressing head to toe in shades of that hue. Burgundy is a great option for this because it is a deep rich color that makes a statement, but is grounded enough not to feel over the top. Also, dressing monochromatically helps to elongate your body. I always feel taller when I dress monochromatically. Not sure if I actually look taller, but I feel taller and never underestimate the power of the way clothes make you feel…
I am obsessed with tights this time of year. Especially the thick classic tights that have come back in over the last several years. J.Crew factory has some really great tights for really reasonable prices (like Target prices.) I really love this pair I’m wearing here, because they have a nice rich color, they’re good quality–less than $10–but mostly they are so super soft, comfortable at the waist and not at all itchy (I despise itchy tights.)
Well, my ducklings are off school today and we are headed out to the country to pick apples. (Did you know that Washington is the country’s apple capital? It’s kind of a big deal.) I’m a big believer in apple picking this time of year, every child should have that magical experience. (And every adult for that matter too.) I swear, apple picking will thaw the coldest heart. It’s quite lovely. So, send along all your favorite apple recipes, because I’m coming home with a big bushel of apples tonight. Apple dumplings, apple butter, pie, crisp, cake… send them all along. I’ve got Jonagolds on the mind.
A few columbus day sales of note:
Kate Spade has an extra 25% off their sale items, and it ends tonight at midnight. Hurry hurry and get yourself a new handbag for a steal. My current favorites: this one, this one and this one. (use code: SWEET)
A few more favorites below:
30% off full-price and 40% off sale price styles at JCrew. Plus free shipping today only. (use code WEEKEND.)
40% off at Gap. This puffer vest is perfect, and this buffalo check dress. (use code: LOVE)
50% off at Loft today. I just bought this jumpsuit. You guys, its gorrrrrgeous.
Extra 30% off at Old Navy. Have you seen their dresses? Some really perfect ones for fall…
50% off men’s & women’s at J.Crew Factory 40% off kids. (use code: YAYFALL)
shop the look:

Love this deep shade for the fall.
Wow. That’s a lot of plum. I love it!
Beautiful Fall color<3
Shall We Sasa
I love the skirt and sweater combo. Pretty pleating on that skirt! Such a great color!
Sara Kate Styling
I love it. I love dressing like that. Burgundy does not work for me. I’m a strict cool toned person with a ruddy complexion. Oh well.
So much plum, I love it!
xo – Michelle
Fall colors have always been my favorite, too. :) I’m also really into tights, and glad that it’s finally cool enough to wear them.
Can you please tell me what lipstick and liner you are wearing? It is beautiful!