Jacket: Old Navy. (old. similar here.) Jegging Pants: Target. (similar here and here.) Shoes: ASOS.(also love these and these.) Sweatshirt: Old Navy. (similar.) Shirt: Similar. Scarf: Nordstrom Rack. (similar here.) Bag: Forever21. (swoon worthy here and here.)
I feel like if I took all the most versatile pieces in my closet and put them together in an outfit this would be the result. Maybe not quite all of them, but almost. Black jeggings, denim jacket, gray sweatshirt, tartan scarf, black saddle bag and a little leopard…
I was just going through pictures on my phone last night. (I ran out of memory, again- blah) and needed to delete old pictures. I found a bunch from the summer and remembered how much harder it is to get dressed in the warmer months, for me anyway. I love getting dressed in the fall. Layers weather makes navigating my closet so darn easy.
I just added these leopard loafers to my closet a couple weeks ago and I love them. I have leopard pumps and sneakers that I love but I wanted some flats that were a little let tennis-shoey. I’ve been pretty devoted to ballet flats for several years, but I thought mixing it up and trying a loafer flat would be a refreshing addition and it turns out it is.
Speaking of cleaning off pictures, can anyone tell me if there is a way to delete pictures on your iPhone in bulk without having to select them one at a time? Because seriously. It takes FOR-EV-ER.
my favorite leopard flats:

Cute! Love your scarf:P
Shall We Sasa
I just had to do that with all my pictures as well. Such a pain! I went into photos, camera roll, and in the upper right corner there is a “select”. Hit that and then click away at the pictures you want to delete. There will be a little blue check in the bottom right corner for all the pix you need to delete. Then you can click the trash icon. Good luck!
When I want to wipe my phone I plug it into my computer. I open Photos and then it will ask my if I want to upload the pictures on my phone. When it’s done it will ask me if I want to delete, then you just say yes. Boom. They are all backed up and deleted.
oooh I’ve wondering that too!! Thank you Mandi that’s so helpful!