Ava’s: jammies: Old Navy. Slippers: Old Navy.
Mine: Pants: Old Navy. Thermal: Old Navy. Slippers: Old Navy. Socks: Gap. Hat: Gap.
Like a lot of families, we open one gift on Christmas eve, and that gift is always a cozy pair of Christmas jammies. I think it’s maybe one of my favorite gifts to buy my kids and Craig. I love picking out a unique pair that really fits each of their personality. And then I have extra fun throwing in a few extras, a pair of slippers, some cozy socks, one year I got Hannah a sleep mask (she actually uses it), and a soft robe (mostly for me, I love a great soft robe.)
Old Navy has long been a pj’s favorite for me and the whole family (I looooove their mocc slippers), but I love finding cute and cozy sleepwear at Gap, J.Crew and J.Crew Factory as well. They all carry pieces with great patterns and fun prints.
Here are a few favorites for the whole family right now:
For toddlers:
For boys:
For girls:
For him:
For you:

Love the pajamas!!
Kisses from http://poshnessary.com ❤
Such cute PJs:P
Shall We Sasa
You’re adorable. :) We like to open one present on Christmas Eve, too. It spreads the fun out a little.