Shirt: Gap. (similar here and here.) Jeans: ZARA. (similar here and here.) Shoes: Nordstrom. Belt: Target. Bag: Rebecca Minkoff. (similar here and here.) Jacket: H&M (similar.) Necklace: Target. Sunglasses: Kate Spade.
This month we are focusing on ideas for making January awesome instead of what it usually is, the most depressing month of the year…
So we all know that we should be drinking a lot of water. It’s a huge part of being healthy and getting fit, but I’ve got to be honest, drinking the right amount of water everyday is hard for me. I mean, if Dr. Pepper was water I’d have no trouble drinking enough, but…
I’m actually trying (trying is the key word here) to cut out soda completely because it’s so bad for you, but that is a process. I’m down to about 1 maybe 2 a week.
I have found a very simple, amazingly awesome hack that’s helped me not only got me drinking lots of water everyday, but also actually enjoying the process of drinking it.
Fruit infused water.
Infuser water bottle. Cutting board. Knife set.
Besides lemon water, (which I’ve always been kind of lukewarm about) I’d never had infused water until last spring when we were on vacation in the Caribbean. They were serving melon water at our hotel one morning, and you guys. Mind blown. I actually wanted to drink water. Since then I’ve been putting fruit in my water, and it’s really helped me to drink so much more everyday. Hydrating, as it turns out, is quite easy when your water is fresh, ice cold and has just a hint of a strawberry taste to it.
You can add fruit to any glass of water, but I really love using this infuser water bottle. It’s perfect on the go, I have a big crush on the lid (for reals), and I like the way it keeps my fruit all tucked away in a neat little compartment. That way I can keep adding ice and water throughout the day without worrying about drinking lemon seeds or mint leaves.
Adding a little fruit and sometimes veggies to my water has definitely changed my ability to drink more water, and I’ve also noticed that it’s helped keep me from snacking when I’m not actually hungry, that I’ve slept better and had more energy throughout the day and while I’m exercising.
My current favorite combo is strawberries, lemon and a few mint leaves.
See more of my favorite fruit water combinations below:
Fruit infuser favorites:
Melon by itself. (or cantaloupe. yum)
strawberry & kiwi
strawberry, basil & cucumber
cucumber & mint
raspberry & lemon
lime, orange & lemon
cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew

Great idea! I need this bottle:P
Shall We Sasa
I have done cucumber and sage… YUM!
I always forget about drinking a lot of water, but it’s absolutely the best for you.
did you buy this shirt online and how wide is it ? I usually buy petite because I am short and have small shoulders so boatneck can sometimes be too wide and my bra straps show . how do you deal with that , this shirt is so cute and would love to wear it in the spring without a jacket .
The shirt I linked to is a similar shirt at gap to the one i’m wearing. Although I own both… haha (I like pink stripes) It’s a bit wide on the neckline. My bra straps don’t show, but I definitely have to keep them in check to make sure they don’t show. Hope this helps!
thank you ! I tried some shirts a while back at Tommy , at the outlets and I kept thinking unless the 80’s get fashionable again with tank top wide shoulders showing , this is not a good fit . I love the pink stripes . will try to go to the store see if anything similar fits right that way I can order online and not worry about fit . love your whole outfit !
Pretty in pink! Cool looking cup, gotta give this one a try!
What size is your jacket? I wanna buy it online but I sometimes wear 2 and other times 4 on H&M clothes.
it’s a size 2! hope this helps!