34 things.

Blazer. Shirt. (Similar shirt.) Jeans. Sunglasses. Watch. Bag. Shoes. Necklace.

Today is my 34th birthday.  So, I thought it would be fun to share 34 things on this, the day that I was born.  One of my favorite bloggers Emily from Jones Design Company, did this a couple months ago and it was actually really cute, so I thought I would give it a try… here goes.

1.My birthday was supposed to be Christmas day…  I was very late.  Thereby reinforcing my theory that I come by my lateness naturally.

2.I can’t decide which day would be worse to be born on.  My birthday is often dubbed “the most depressing day of the year.”  Lovely.

3.My Grandma’s birthday actually was on Christmas.  She did not like it at all.

4. I am a middle child.  I love being the middle child, seriously.

5. There are 6 kids in my family, I’m #3.

6. I was still the first one to go away to college, get married, and have a baby.

7. I met my husband in college, and had a crush on him for 6 months before he asked me out.

8. I still wear my retainers.  Not every night but at least 3 nights a week.  Having braces was traumatic enough, I don’t want my teeth to move.

9. I have never broken a bone.

10. I do have a really bad back, combination of having a sway back and being dropped a few too many times when I was a cheerleader.  I love going to the chiropractor, magic workers, I tell you.

11. I’d pick “healthy” cereal over sugary cereal any day.  Wheaties forever.

12. I’m a terrible night-owl.  It runs in my mom’s side of the family.

13. I had really bad insomnia through most of high school and college. (I read a lot of books back then.)

14. It went away when I got married.  (Thank you Craig.)

15. I still love to read at night, but now I’m a mom so I fall asleep a lot.

16. I have really thick, naturally curly/frizzy hair.  (No, I don’t wear it curly anymore, ever.  It’s not cute, trust me.)

17.  This is my natural hair color.  I already pay too much to get it de-frizzed, not going to color it until I start going gray.  Plus I actually like the color of my hair.

18. Since I have a lot of different textures going on my hair is really unforgiving.  I’ve had A LOT of bad haircuts.

19. The worst one was dubbed “the muffin.”  It’s still a joke in my family.

20. It coincided with my Jr. year of high school, braces and a really round baby face.  So that was a fun time in my life.

21. I’m only 4’11”

22. I have to hem, or tuck or roll basically every pair of pants I’ve ever owned.  Yes, it’s as annoying as it sounds.  Sometimes I forget that some people just buy jeans and they fit right off the rack. I wish.

23. I’m a lefty.  When I was a kid, I thought that it made me special, because almost no one else was.  (see, middle child.)  But I can only throw a ball with my right hand.

24. I love the movie World War Z.  I don’t know why.

25. I’m a repeat freak.  If I love a song, I’ll listen to it on repeat like a million times in a row.

26. I went to college in a tiny town in Idaho.

27. People always think that’s weird because I’m from California. (why Idaho, is usually what they say.)

28. I’ve lived in 6 different states.  4 of them I’ve lived in more than once. #gypsy

29. All my kids have my husband’s blue eyes and some relative’s sandy blonde hair.  None of them got my coloring. I think my high school biology teacher was full of crap. ;-)

30. I’m a little bit of a hypochondriac.  Every bump/headache is a tumor, and all that.

31. This really didn’t manifest itself until I became a mother.  Yes I know it’s neurotic.  I’m getting better about it.

32. If I love a book, I read it many times.  It gets better every time.

33.  I don’t mind getting older, at all.  But Hannah being only 5 1/2 years from graduating high school.  That kind of freaks me out.

34.  Hot chocolate is my favorite thing.

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  1. April wrote:

    Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a great one:) We have a lot in common!

    Posted 1.6.17 Reply
  2. April wrote:

    Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a great one:) We have a lot in common! Kindred spirits I tell ya!

    Posted 1.6.17 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      Yes we are, April! xox

      Posted 1.8.17 Reply
  3. Mackenzie wrote:

    Aww happy birthday girl! Your list was so cute, it’s so fun to hear people’s “fun facts”! What a great idea!


    Posted 1.6.17 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      Thanks Machenzie!

      Posted 1.8.17 Reply
  4. Jen wrote:

    Happy birthday from a fellow short, lefty, reading, former cheerleader with suuuper thick brown hair!

    Posted 1.6.17 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      Love it! xoxo Thank you!

      Posted 1.8.17 Reply
  5. Kari wrote:

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day. You look extra adorable today :) Could you please share what size blazer you bought?

    Posted 1.6.17 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      Hi Kari! thank you! I bought a 00P and I love the fit. xo

      Posted 1.8.17 Reply
  6. Tiffany wrote:

    Happy Birthday! This was a fun list. :) We have quite a bit in common – my birthday is January 4, I was born and live in CA, I have a sway back, I’m a lefty and I have been a night owl since infancy!

    Posted 1.6.17 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      Happy Birthday to you! This is one of my favorite things about writing stuff like this, that I find other people who have things in common with me! xo

      Posted 1.8.17 Reply
  7. Erin MC wrote:

    Happy birthday!

    I also still wear my retainer! I had braces for over 4 years and I know plenty of people who had to get a second round of braces. But that’s a big ol’ NOPE. I actually have a permanent retainer attached to my bottom teeth.

    Posted 1.6.17 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      I have a permanent one on the bottom too and then I have a top and bottom one that I wear at night. Braces were the worst!

      Posted 1.8.17 Reply
  8. Ginger wrote:

    Happy Birthday, you look amazing. What is it that you do to your hair. Would love to know. Thank you

    Posted 1.6.17 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      Thank you Ginger! I get a keratin treatment done to it every 4-6 months. Total game changer.

      Posted 1.8.17 Reply
  9. Dee wrote:

    Great list! Happy birthday!

    Posted 1.6.17 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      Thanks Dee!

      Posted 1.8.17 Reply
  10. Van Nguyen wrote:

    Happy birthday, Cori.

    Posted 1.6.17 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      Thank you Van!

      Posted 1.8.17 Reply
  11. Denise Y. Ross wrote:

    I loved reading your list. Happy Belated Birthday! I think it’s a great idea to list things on your birthday. I might do the same this year.

    Posted 1.7.17 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      it’s actually so much fun! ;-)

      Posted 1.8.17 Reply
  12. Fun, I love it!! Maybe I’ll do this for my birthday on the 10th. I will also be 34! Happy birthday to you!

    Posted 1.8.17 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      And to you too! January babies! xoxo

      Posted 1.8.17 Reply