This post is brought to you by Abercrombie Kids. While this was a sponsored
opportunity, all content and opinions expressed here are my own.
On Hannah: Sweater, coat, jeans. On Carter: Shirt, jeans, coat. On Ethan: shirt, jeans, coat. On Ava: Sweater, jeans, coat. (c/o Abercrombie kids)
I am thrilled to be teaming up with Abercrombie kids in the month of November to share their Be Kind and Cozy campaign, in honor of National Kindness day. We are all huge abercrombie kids fans at our house, the clothes are gorgeous, thoughtfully designed and made for kids to actually have fun and be kids in. Their gorgeous coat line for boys and girls has been a big hit this year.
I can’t tell you how excited I am for it to be November. November means the start of the holiday season, the beginning of cozier weather, of buying gifts and trimming our trees, hanging lights on the house and spending a lot of time together as a family.
I am also very excited because it is our second holiday season on the farm, and I feel more at home on our little slice of rural heaven than I ever have. All of us do.
We had a lot of reasons for wanting to move out to a farm, and most of them involved what it would give our kids. We did it partly because we wanted them to experience a country upbringing, space to run around in nature, to be creative, to have quiet, to feel safe to explore and learn and grow. I also wanted them to develop a good work ethic. Outside work is physical and challenging. If you can learn to work hard cutting brush, raking leaves, mowing grass, pulling weeds, digging holes, repairing barns, and building chicken coops, you will be good at working hard at anything.
And also, we did it because I wanted my kids to learn how to be conscientious and kind. Caring for animals helps them learn to be attentive and gentle. To approach cautiously and handle with care, to be intuitive and mindful. These are all skills that develop in them a sense of empathy not just for the animals around us, but the people too. And of all the things I want my kids to learn, it is to be kind, to love each other and love those around us.
The grass is greener where you water it. Love, kindness and empathy develop when you put effort into a person, or thing. Nothing teaches a child this as effectively as caring for a living thing, whether it’s a baby chick or a kitten or a goat.
As the weather gets colder we are busy prepping our property for the snowy months ahead. I can see that as my kids put time and effort into caring for the earth we own and the animals we keep on it, that they soften, and grow more compassionate, more intentional and more aware. It’s a beautiful gift to get to witness the transformation as it happens. Every mother’s dream come true.
Make sure to check out Abercrombie kids kind and cozy line and help spread the message of kindness. Right now all bottoms are BOGO 50% off and all sweatshirts & sweaters on sale starting at $25, and there are lots of great deals coming up in the next few days as we get into holiday shopping!

You are such an inspiration! I love watching your kids grow and all of you grow as a very sweet and thoughtful family. The love you have for one another and for other things such as environment, culture and traditions is truly something to be admired Thanks for showing us your slice of heaven
What an incredible campaign to be part of! Being kind is definitely something we all should be mindful of! And I love that your kids are understanding the value of hard work!
Cori, I don’t want to sound hateful and I love your blog but we are vegans, kids included. How do you teach your kids kindness to animals and humans but also eat them? I’ll never understand the disconnect people have from one animal that’s a pet to the animal they eat……
I love your blog. Hannah looks so much like you, with your husband’s coloring. She is a beautiful young lady. All your kids are previous. Hope y’all have a Happy Thanksgiving!