A month or so ago, I started sharing my daily outfits over on my instagram stories. The purpose of doing this was to share practical outfit ideas and inspire you all to try getting dressed with confidence every day. The truth is, the way I get dressed everyday is my secret weapon in accessing my confidence, productivity, happier mood, you name it. So many of the positive things in my life each day seem to start with the way I get dressed in the morning.
I hope these outfits give you some ideas and help make getting dressed a little easier in the morning. I truly believe that incorporating the habit of outfit planning and making the intentional choice to get dressed every morning and show up for life as the most confident version of yourself, is one of the best, most life changing decisions you can make for yourself. I know it seems like a small thing, but the difference being confidently dressed has on your entire day is palpable. If you are in the process of trying to level up in any area of your life (motherhood, career, faith, whatever it is) I highly recommend starting with the way you get dressed in the morning. If you want a little extra help getting started with this process, I have a free outfit planner and some easy practical tips for stream-lining the process you can get below, just plug your email into the box and I will send them right to you!
shop this look here.
shop this look here.
shop this look here.
shop this look here.
shop this look here.
shop this look here.
shop this look here.

I love the 3rd outfit! It’s my favorite!
I love those wide legged pants! I just ordered some from express and am so excited for them to get here!