dear seattle.

Sometimes in the morning, before I’m all the way awake, I forget.  I forget that we don’t live among the trees and the lakes and the rain anymore.  That I won’t tromp out to the bus stop with the littles in my wellies while the mist swirls around us.  That I can’t climb in the car and drive down to Coulon park and eat clam chowder at Iver’s and walk along the dock.  That we can’t explore the tide pools at alki or watch the boats at Lake Union.  That I can’t go buy a bushel of flowers from Pike place market on a Saturday, and then stop for a crumpet at The Crumpet Shop after.  That I can’t hop on the ferry to Bainbridge for breakfast at Doc’s and then ice cream at Mora.  That I can’t take the littles to watch the salmon jump the Locks at Ballard.  That we can’t drive up into the hills and get an egg salad sandwich and pie at Twedes, or go skiing in the Cascades.  I miss Saturday mornings at the Issaquah farmers market, and eggs benedict at Jay Berry’s.  I miss the view of Mount Rainier on a clear day. The way the air smelled.  Watching the sunset on the sound.  I miss the steep city streets and floating bridges.  I miss Emily.  I miss Monique.
Seattle.  A year was all it took.  You will always be my city.  You will always have my heart. 
Thank you for that.


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  1. gaylene wrote:

    All of my family trips when I was a kid were to washington, where all our extended family lived. It’s funny to be homesick for a place I never actually lived, but I agree. Seattle has my heart <3
    Beautiful pictures!

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  2. Frances wrote:

    awe, eye watering post for me! i recently moved to the East Coast after being in Seattle for 3 years. Seattle holds such a special place in my heart too!

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  3. These pictures are fabulous!! Seattle is a gorgeous city.

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  4. nice photos — I’ve never been to seattle but it looks lovely! xo

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  5. purdywords wrote:

    What a touching post. Boston has my heart. I empathize with the moments of pure missing a city that’s not like any other. Hope you can get back to Seattle one day soon. Gorgeous photos, by the way!

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  6. Amber wrote:

    I loved your year in Seattle. It was fun to see me city through your eyes.

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  7. i'm h.mac wrote:

    Im a “coast” girl myself. Both east and west have my heart. Sweet iron for breakfast downtown is my favorite. Love your blog!

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  8. CP and KW wrote:

    i live just south of seattle and adore it. beautiful photos! :) it’s a place that stays in your heart. be careful. i am even homesick for it when i am here!
    kw ladies in navy

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  9. Monique wrote:

    Oh, and we miss you!!!! Please come back! :) Love you and miss you and your cute, sweet family so much!

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  10. It is a beautiful city. I live in Vancouver and the cities are very similar. Seattle is beautiful. Love the pictures.


    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  11. I’m a newer reader so I didn’t know you use to live in Seattle! I recently moved to the seattle area from West Virginia with my husband. I do like it –but my heart years for home!

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  12. Aww…I am from there and this made me miss home. I tend to think more about the rainy days and grayness but these things make me want to move back one day. At least I get to visit multiple times during the year!

    Love pictures…thanks so much for this post!

    Classy with a Kick

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  13. Shelley wrote:

    Beautiful photos!

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  14. Seattle looks gorgeous! I don’t blame you for missing it.

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  15. Cara wrote:

    I just moved back to San Francisco from Seattle (we were in Seattle for 2 years) and I still come back every 3 weeks for work, and it still amazes me. It is really so so beautiful up here and SO green. I do not, however, miss the rain and the greyness that seems to loom around.

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  16. Emily K. wrote:

    Crying again. Big, crocodile tears. . . We love you guys. So so much. So much. Wish you could come back. Those pictures are gorgeous! And, you’re making me excited for non-dreary weather to do all those fun things again. Alki, Coulon, Bainbridge. Neeeed to go back to JayBerry’s. Yum. Miss you.

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  17. Gak! Now I’m homesick for Seattle. And, I don’t even live there. It is the perfect city, and the food is the best.

    Sue xo

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  18. Ashley Bee wrote:

    I have always wanted to visit. Your photos are amazing.

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  19. Carrie wrote:

    I grew up in Bellevue and you’re making me a little homesick :)

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  20. Beautiful Photos. I’ve never been but have always wanted to go.

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  21. Alice wrote:

    Seattle looks amazing!! Think it’s such an underrated city :) x

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  22. Jess wrote:

    Wow- beautiful shots!

    Some Snapshots Blog

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  23. CDS wrote:

    I read your blog all the time, but I don’t always leave a comment. I feel compelled to today though…I went to Seattle this past summer and fell in LOVE. It’s one of my favorite cities in the country and would happily move there is given the chance. I loved the feel of it, the beat of it, everything! Thanks for sharing!!

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  24. Andrea wrote:

    Come back!

    I actually started reading your blog last year and loved that you were in Seattle! As a native West Seattle-ite I love to see how people love this beautiful city:) Especially right now as I’m dreaming of someplace warmer I should just appreciate where I am!

    Posted 3.19.13 Reply
  25. Sarah wrote:

    stunning pictures! I’m from England but planning an american backpacking trip and its a massive country- I don’t know where to start! Seattle is now on the list! Great pictures, your very talented!

    Sarah XxX

    Posted 3.19.13 Reply
  26. Abby wrote:

    Great shots and tips for those of us who may find ourselves in Seattle one day…

    Still, I’m ready for Arizona myself. We’re getting ready for the rainy, muddy, gloomy, clammy season here (wait…does that ever end or begin?) and I’m not looking forward to it. Give me the sun and the desert.

    Posted 3.19.13 Reply
  27. Hello! I’m new to your blog and I’m loving your posts. My husband and I are visiting Seattle for this first time next month. Are there any places that you like to shop there? I’d love to see some places with unique pieces and local charm.

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  28. beautiful sunsets :) gorgeous pictures!

    Posted 3.25.13 Reply
  29. The Gere's wrote:

    Cori, I was born and raised in the Seattle area. My husband and I recently moved to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho but I have found that I will always consider Seattle my home. The food, the people, the culture and the natural beauty are incomparable to anywhere else. I know how it only took a year to fall in love with it. It’s a home to many and to all. I know it will always be home for me.

    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  30. Was browsing through and saw this post. Love the pictures. Love what you wrote. It gave me a nostalgia feeling. I’ll be in the Seattle area on Tuesday and Wednesday and will do my best to visit some of the places you named.

    Posted 7.6.13 Reply