
I have a confession.
I pumped a bottle for Ava so I could wear this peplum dress to church on Sunday.
I just really miss wearing dresses okay?
And even though I loathe using a breast-pump, like almost as much as going to the dentist, there are a few things that I will endure it for.
Apparently peplum is one of them.
Also, my dentist goes to the same church as me.  Which, I’m not going to lie, is sometimes weird.  Like, “hey, you’ve looked into the deep recesses of my mouth, shall we sing this hymn now?”
It’s almost as awkward as that one time when the OB-GYN that delivered Hannah (who was not a woman) also went to my church…
So yeah.
This started with peplum and ended kind of awkward…

Dress: Zara. (similar here. dreamy number here.)

Tissue Turtleneck: JCrew.

Shoes: Kohls.  (love these.)

Bag: Nine West. (similar.)

Bracelet: Gift.

Sunglasses: Oscar dela Renta.


find yourself something fabulously peplum…


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  1. omg those shoes are from KOHLS?!! LOVE!

    XO Meghan

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  2. Jenni wrote:

    Wow, girl, you look fab! That look was made for you! SO cute! It was worth the pumping. =)

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  3. I have done the SAME thing! Sometimes after what seems like forever dressing a foreign body that doesn’t belong to you, it comes to a day when you need to dress for you for a tiny space of time. Love!

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  4. no wonder you pumped — this looks stunning on you! xo

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  5. CP and KW wrote:

    so chic! you look lovely!
    kw ladies in navy

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  6. Gorgeous. Love it. If it makes you feel better I work in labor and delivery and I see both doctor’s that delivered my son all the time and one of them is male. You look stunning. I also didn’t like the breast pump. I felt like i couldn’t let down to it.


    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  7. You look gorgeous and those shoes? I swoon! I know what you mean about seeing people in awkward situations. Living in a fairly small place we see everyone all the time, dentists, doctors, teachers, etc. It can get a little … awkward!

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  8. This outfit. I love.

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  9. i pump every Sunday so i can wear dresses …. ;)

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  10. Shannon wrote:

    I love the black and white combo.

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  11. Kimberly wrote:

    The hardest thing about breastfeeding is finding something that fits my post pregnancy body AND allows me to nurse. Now that we’re pretty established I might have to pump on Sundays so I can wear cute dresses again!

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  12. Haley wrote:

    Stunning!! You look incredible and that dress is LOVELY. My baby girl is almost 1 and I’m so grateful I’m still breastfeeding (I dried up after 3 months with my boy) BUT the only thing I’m not a fan about BF is that it slightly limits my wardrobe. I loathe the breast pump too. I feel ya! AND I get anxious before going to the dentist…and by OB who delivered both of my children is in my Stake (so I see him at my church building from time to time…I love that he gets to see the kids, but part of it is mucho awkward. Lol) Anyway…that was a novel of a comment! Summary: You’re a bombshell in that dress and cheers to BF boobs! Haha ;)

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  13. Jess wrote:

    Well, the dress looks great!

    Some Snapshots Blog

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  14. I love your black and white take on this dress. But you are short so all the shorter dresses are appropriate length on you. I’m not tall myself but it’s so hard to find dresses that are church appropriate. There’s one good thing about being short :-)

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  15. Abby wrote:


    By the way, your Clinique Super City Block rec and Aveeno “blue bottle” lotion rec have been gold for me. If you have any other personal care product suggestions, please continue to share…

    Posted 3.12.13 Reply
  16. Well. That went in a direction I wasn’t ready for haha. Love that you’re wearing such a pretty outfit with such a dirty-looking background. (I’m a fan of contrast.)


    Posted 3.14.13 Reply
  17. I love your blue and white take on this dress. there’s one nice thing about being short.. we are having variety of collection at G3 Fashions, G3 Fashions Net Sarees collection.

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  18. Unknown wrote:

    Gorgeous! You look like a model.

    Posted 3.18.13 Reply
  19. Lauren wrote:

    Wow, I haven’t really caught on to the peplum trend yet (I’m usually way behind) but you look absolutely gorgeous in this!

    Posted 3.19.13 Reply