Guest Post: Erin from Living in Yellow.

Guys, I have not laughed so hard in a long long time as I did while I read this post.  Seriously.  Just trust me, and keep reading…

and ps. garage sale girl, you rock.

Hey there lovelies.
My name is Erin and I write over at Living In Yellow.

{To clear up any confusion–I am the one on the left}
Now would be an appropriate time to tell you all about me, but instead I’ll let your happy little fingers
 click here to learn more.
I am so excited to be here today.
Allow me to share with you how I came across Cori and her fabulous blog.

Once upon a time I went to a garage sale {I love a good deal every now and again.}
I started talking with the owner of the garage sale about my blog–blog universe–
basically all things blog related.
The owner of the garage sale says “Have you ever heard of La Vie Petite?!”
Me: “La what?!”
Garage Sale Girl: “She is like this really short beautiful girl who has like a handful of kids…but she makes her own clothes AND she poses for pictures on bicycles.
I don’t get how she does it..but she makes everything look good!”
Naturally, I’m intrigued.
Any girl who can pose for a picture on a bicycle and not look like a fool has to be talented.
Case in point.
I’m still practicing.
Anyhow, I inform the Garage sale girl that “No, I have never heard of this fascinating blog…”
So she did what any normal person would do–
she sent me a link to Cori’s blog via Facebook.
The rest is history.

I would like to think that Cori & I have a lot in common.
Like for instance, our love for mustard.
Or really all things yellow in my book.
And we both have brown hair.
Oh, and we both write a blog.
Unfortunately, that is where the list ends.

I have no children.
I am not sure which end of a needle the thread goes into.
{I mean c’mon..the girl sews her own skirts AND dyes her own pants..I can’t compete with that}
I am not bite size.
My picture posing abilities are far from desirable.
Yes, that would be me accidentally falling while the picture was being taken.
Not on purpose.
And…I have major fashion faux pas happen on a regular basis.
Sad story.

So what am I getting at with all of this?
To be honest, I’m not really sure.
What I do know though is that I would love for you to come visit me over here.
You can say hello, I’ll say what’s up, and then we will basically be BFF’s.
Can’t wait.

PS. Thank you Cori for making motherhood look so fun.
And for making clothes look so good.
And for making my stomach get excited every time you post a new blog post.
Basically, thank you for everything.
The world would not be the same without you :)

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  1. hahaha I LOVE this post!! Erin is too funny! I just found her blog this week and love it!! :)

    Posted 11.30.11 Reply
  2. Alyx wrote:

    Hahaha, I love Erin’s blog! It’s one of my favorites! I was rollin’ with this one, though!

    Posted 11.30.11 Reply
  3. funny post! I will follow her! :)

    Posted 11.30.11 Reply
  4. Lisa @ MMT wrote:

    Haha funny post! Love her sense of humor :)

    Posted 11.30.11 Reply
  5. Ash wrote:

    That was hilarious! Thanks for introducing me to her-I’m now following her blog.

    Also, did I miss the winner of the giveaway for Cents of Style? I never win anything (not bitter at all :)), but I don’t remember seeing the winner posted.

    Posted 11.30.11 Reply
  6. what an awesome post – thanks for showing her off cori! ;)

    Posted 11.30.11 Reply
  7. I’ve added Erin to my bookmarks as well! What a cute and funny gal!

    Posted 11.30.11 Reply
  8. Lisa wrote:

    so funny! thanks for the laugh!

    Posted 11.30.11 Reply
  9. Daisy wrote:

    Hi Erin, it’s so nice to meet you! Cori, thanks for introducing her on your blog.

    Posted 12.1.11 Reply
  10. Darla wrote:

    Um..she’s hilarious! Thanks for the guest post, Cori!

    Posted 12.1.11 Reply