we’re at the airport.

Currently sitting at the gate awaiting our winged chariot which will arrive any moment and whisk us happily away to the Beehive State.

Looking forward to movies, sushi, shopping, family, and more pumpkin pie than I can possibly eat.

There’s nothing like traveling with 3 small children.  Like whoa.

(fyi-that’s a chocolate drink, not coffee.)

Come back tomorrow to see how I packed for the trip.

9 days in 1 suitcase.  Boo-ya.


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  1. miamihoney wrote:

    Ok, that packing requires a major post. I can’t wait to here about how you managed to pull that off.Have a blast!

    Posted 11.21.11 Reply
  2. Kristen wrote:

    Safe travels petite family!

    Posted 11.21.11 Reply
  3. Monica wrote:

    Wow, one suitcase?! I’m embarrassed to say that I take two for five days. Yikes. Can’t wait to read about your packing tricks. Safe travels and enjoy your time with the fam!

    Posted 11.21.11 Reply
  4. Can’t wait to see what you packed! Have an amazing trip, you deserve it!

    Posted 11.21.11 Reply
  5. Michelle P wrote:


    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  6. I remember those days so well.
    My four are 11, 14, 16 and 20.
    I remember flying to Barcelona then getting two trains and a bus to our holiday campsite. They were 5, 8, 10 and 13 then.
    Happy Days – enjoy them :)

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  7. have a great trip.

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  8. Carrie wrote:

    Trip is off to a good start – everyone is all smiles. :) Have a safe trip.

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  9. Ah I am jealous that you are going to Utah for Thanksgiving!! Have fun!! When I have to make that flight I am usually alone with my two babies… NOT fun!!! ps who looks that cute when they fly? Seriously!!

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  10. Katie wrote:

    How fun! What a good looking family :)

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  11. such a cute family!! um yah, totally impressed about the one suitcase thing!

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  12. Emily wrote:

    But that suitcase is 3 times the normal size right? :)
    So glad you’re able to spend Thanksgiving with family. We’ll be here in UT too with family. Hope you packed for some snow… I heard it’s supposed to snow on Friday!
    Have lots of fun!

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  13. Have so much fun! For the first time we are traveling during thanksgiving so I won’t be home for the holidays, so enjoy it for me! : )


    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  14. newpetite wrote:

    Have a fun trip!

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  15. Anonymous wrote:

    Is that a brown tweed blazer…for a little person? I hope to see a closeup soon!

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  16. lori wrote:

    hope you have a great trip!!

    i need to see how you packed for 9 days in one suitcase. holy moley.

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  17. Mary wrote:

    You always look so darn cute I picture your kids being older! I have three little ones too and I’m starting to get dressed every day in the things I love thanks to you :)

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
  18. Annie wrote:

    Welcome to Utah! :)

    Posted 11.22.11 Reply
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    Posted 11.24.11 Reply