when your baby turns 4.

When your baby turns four you can’t really call him your baby anymore can you?

Even if he’s still the most delicious little cherubic child you’ve ever been around.

And his “L’s” still sound like “W’s” when he talks.

Happy Birthday E.

You’re the best surprise I have ever gotten.


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  1. Katrine wrote:

    I also have a 4 year old. I keep looking for the baby in him!

    Posted 10.19.11 Reply
  2. How cute! You know, I bet our kids are around the same ages. Mine are 10 (almost 11), 6 and 4. And I’m 29. Pretty cool! Happy birthday E!

    Posted 10.19.11 Reply
  3. Gertrude wrote:

    Aw so cute!! Happy birthday to your son :) x

    Posted 10.19.11 Reply
  4. newpetite wrote:

    I like the short hair! Happy Birthday E!

    Posted 10.19.11 Reply
  5. aww Happy Birthday to your son!!
    and my hubby says Chuckee Cheese smells like feet! lol so we have only gone once with the kiddos!

    Posted 10.19.11 Reply
  6. oops I just noticed that my comment makes no sense here! BAHAHAHA!!
    I read your other post that you were going to chuck-e-cheese so I got it mixed up with this one! HA! sorry! I bet you were like WHAT? haha

    Posted 10.19.11 Reply
  7. Momma Bird wrote:

    oh my goodness – so sweet. these type of posts always make me so sad bc i hate seeing those little babies get so big. :( where does the time go?!

    Posted 10.19.11 Reply
  8. Emily K. wrote:

    Happy Birthday Ethan! He is a sweet, sweet angel of a boy. And, your youngest is always your baby, and you can call them that, until you have another. That’s what I think, at least. Have a fabulous birthday day. Wow, the kid bar twice in a month? Lucky kids!

    Posted 10.19.11 Reply
  9. so sedas wrote:

    So lovely! Happy Birthday!

    Posted 10.19.11 Reply
  10. Happy Birthday Ethan! Oh and I really don’t think you were supposed to look that good immediately after child birth, just saying!


    Posted 10.19.11 Reply
  11. Nadine wrote:

    My “baby” just turned 5 and his Ls come out like Ws too, LOL!

    You look great and you have a beautiful family!

    Posted 10.21.11 Reply