
Striped skirt: made by me.  Ruffled shell: The Loft.  Cardi: Nordstrom Rack.  Nude heels: Guess via Ross.

I’m a sucker for awning stripes.  Well, any stripes really.  I think we all know this by now.  If there’s something I over-wear, it’s stripes.  Luckly, it is virtually impossible to wear too many stripes, so I’m good.  Anyways, back to awning stripes.  Who doesn’t love a good striped awning?  So classic and clean, it makes me thing of a happy little shop in the middle of a city, or a small town.  A striped awning makes any building just a little more precious.   See.

So I’ve been searching for months for a fabulous blue and white awning striped fabric, because I had the mental image of a skirt so perfect, it’s almost unreal.  And I wasn’t going to give up until that skirt became a reality.  I’m super determined like that.  And guys.  I found it.  Yes I did. I lovely love this skirt so much I would sew myself another just because.  These are the things I obsess over girls, dreamy stripes.

Now on to the shoes.  Aren’t these bananas?  I have been searching for the perfect pair of nude pumps for probably a year.  It’s really hard to find something really specific in a size 5.  Plus, I’m cheap.  So a few weeks ago I dropped into Ross (I have been having an unusually high amount of success with that store lately) and I found these shoes.  Size 5, nude, Guess brand, gorgeous heaven in a pump.  I died right there in the shoe isle.  I actually let out a little shout.  Just kidding, I’m not that nerdy.  So, imagine my dismay when, as I stood in line to purchase, the power went out and everyone had to leave the store without purchasing their goods.  I almost laid down on the floor and screamed “NOOOOOOOOO,”  but I didn’t want to embarrass my kids, cause heaven knows they have never done that to me.
Luckily, a nice employee took pity on  me and put my goods on hold before shooing us out of the store.
And even though I didn’t really have time the next day, because we were moving, and I needed to clean and pack and run a hold heap of errands, I drove my little self right over to Ross and bought my shoes.
Shoes before responsibility.  
I’ve got my priorities straight.

Fabulous awning striped skirt coming soon to an etsy shop near you…

hot diggity dog.

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  1. Chloe wrote:

    Oh my life, the skirt, the shoes, perfect!!

    C x
    Win a Shabby Apple dress:

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  2. Absolutely adorable outfit! I have to tell you that I had a “Cory” moment this Sunday. I’ll have to tell you about it. Love your posts!

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  3. Melissa wrote:

    I beg to differ and submit that shoes ARE responsibility.

    Yes I do.

    You look lovely, so classy, demure, and chic.

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  4. you are darling;)

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  5. Precious :)

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  6. That skirt is awesome as well as the shoes, but the skirt is really awesome.

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  7. Amy N. wrote:

    LOVE that skirt! The whole outfit is amazing!

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  8. The whole outfit is perfect but my favorite is that beautiful ruffle top! Adorable

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  9. Kim wrote:

    I love this outfit!!!!!

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  10. Elle wrote:

    i’d say you made the right choice! those shoes are perfect and a perfect nude pump is hard to find :)

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  11. Jessica wrote:

    I NEED that skirt!! It’s perfection.

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  12. i am in love with this outfit. it’s so perfect and cute. is the cardigan buttoned? how did you button it around the ruffle? lol i can’t figure it out! anyways, you are adorable!

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  13. Yup, officially my favorite skirt yet! Seriously put me on the list for one. I need to own one!

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  14. What a great outfit! You manage to pull off deliciously feminine pieces without looking like a cupcake.

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  15. B wrote:

    when you posted the red skirt i thought “gosh I hope she does a blue and white one” …. i almost did a little shout when i read your post today LOL… cant wait for it to come to your etsy store so i can buy it for family photos! now to find the perfect nude pumps LOL hope it doesnt take a year.

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  16. you lucky freakin duck! i have these same exact heels, but i bought mine at nordstroms and paid a good amount that my husband didn’t care for. seriously. lucky. ps i just might need that skirt as well….

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  17. first of all, LOVE the skirt too. second, i love the whole outfit! third, your priorities were definitely in place because you definitely needed those shoes ;) gorgeous!
    xo dana

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  18. lori wrote:

    love the whole outfit… soo cute!

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  19. Kristen wrote:

    Mhm.. I will be needing this to pair with my cropped blush pink blazer, coral one-shoulder cami, and ohhhh I dunno… just about every last little thing in my closet. That skirt is beyond versatile, so many options, perfect cut.

    Stalking your etsy as of now so get to it missy…

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  20. Katie wrote:

    That skirt is amazing! I can’t believe you made it!

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  21. LaynahRose wrote:

    This is probably, my very favorite post ever. Those shoes and skirt are simply to DIE for. Seriously, I’m scared you’ll run out of fabric before I save up enough money to buy one. And Ross is amazing like that, I found the perfect pair of heels there as well (also Guess) except now thats not enough…I want those nudey ones as well. haha.

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  22. Jenn wrote:

    I would buy that skirt in an instant! I love the pattern, the pleats and the length. It is perfection!

    I just stumbled upon your blog and started following. Love it so far.

    Complex Cardigans

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  23. LOVE the skirt! Your blog really inspires me! If I need help figuring out what to wear I always pull up your blog as inspiration!

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  24. brnidtica wrote:

    LOVE the skirt!! I have the same exact issues with finding cute heels since I too wear a 5 and sometimes a 5.5 depending on the brand. Issaquah is not too far from South Center Mall, which is where Nordstroms Rack is. I usually have pretty good luck at finding cute shoes every time I go. I may need to order one of these skirts and the red one too!!! :-)

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  25. newpetite wrote:

    looking good girl! I saw the same pair at a Ross here but had to let go coz I cant wear such High heels! *sigh*

    Posted 7.12.11 Reply
  26. that whole outfit is PERFECTION! I can’t believe you made that skirt, I’m drooling over it!

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  27. Jordan wrote:

    Your outfit is amazing. Great job on the skirt!!

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  28. What a beautiful outfit! The skirt is fabulous and the color of the top pairs perfectly with those stripes… I, too, am a sucker for good stripes. Love the shoes!

    Following from WIWW.

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  29. This is a beautiful outfit. Love the skirt- stripes are fun!

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  30. You are so ADORABLE! LOVE the new shoes!

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  31. Babymama wrote:

    You look lovely!
    Stopping by frm the pleated poppy link-up.
    Score on the shoes.


    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  32. What a truly beautiful skirt and post, so well done my dear!

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  33. Just Jaime wrote:


    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  34. sarasophia wrote:

    That skirt just makes me die a thousand times over—its PERFECT!!! And yes to the shoes, I’ve been looking for a cute nude pump for awhile myself…I think I’ll drop by Ross today <3

    –Sara Sophia

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  35. Ashley wrote:

    Do you mind if I “Pin” you on pinterest? I’m all speechless and stuff about this outfit! I might even make a surprise visit to Ross to see if I might be as lucky.

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  36. Abby wrote:

    Super gorgeous skirt! Love the whole outfit!

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  37. Andy wrote:

    The skirt. Is. Perfection. I want a red one! I am not a size 4!

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  38. I NEED that skirt! Love it! xoxox

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  39. Hello there! Stumbled here from Cute and Little, Color Brigade. I love your blog and writing. This post is hilarious. DEF. shoes before responsibility. That totally cracks me up. I too am on the search for nude pumps and yours is a great find! I must make it over to Ross asap and see if luck is on my side. I’m in awe of this outfit, especially your self made skirt. Love that you wore it with a pale pink blouse. It looks so fresh. Anyhow, I’ll be following along on bloglovin!
    Van C. of The Clothes We Wear
    Wearing motherhood with style.

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  40. I LOVE that skirt! I hope I can sew like that one day!

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  41. Oh my goodness! LOVE THE SKIRT…Love your outfit…love your style!!!!!

    You are so beautiful and your classic style is timeless and elegant. Thanks for being an inspiration!

    I can’t wait for that skirt to be in your etsy store I need to add that to my wardrobe!

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  42. Meredith wrote:

    i so want those heels … just like everyone else here. jealous!

    Posted 7.13.11 Reply
  43. Georgie wrote:

    Love that outfit!!! In some way simple but eye-catching and very stylish :) definitely my favourite :)

    Posted 7.14.11 Reply
  44. I LOVE THIS OUTFIT! & yes, all caps was totally necessary! ;)

    Posted 7.14.11 Reply
  45. How on earth did you make a skirt like that? It’s BEAUTIMOUS!!! I’m still gasping! Everything about this fit is so classic and Sex In the City-ish.

    And your story about ROSS is hilarious. I would’ve played dead right there in the store. Haha! But at least the nice lady put them on hold for you.

    Posted 7.16.11 Reply
  46. I want that skirt!!! I am preparing to serve a mission and am hoping to stock up on some seriously cute, bright, yet modest in length-fit-and-style skirts, and this is just gorgeous! definitely wouldn’t mind wearing that wekly for 18 months!

    Posted 7.17.11 Reply
  47. Kate wrote:

    Cori! It’s Katie Olsen (now Ensign-Lewis). My work, LDS Living, just posted a link to your blog and, before I saw your profile, I saw the pictures and said, “Is this Cori?!” Beautiful clothes! I want that skirt. If we can all just find the fabric, I have a sneaking suspicion there will be a wave of awning-striped skirts in Mormon culture.

    Posted 7.19.11 Reply
  48. Thanks so much for linking up to Your Whims Wednesday last week, I featured this today!! Come by and grab a button :)

    Posted 7.19.11 Reply
  49. Stephanie wrote:

    Let’s chat for a second about how perfect that outfit is, shall we?
    Super perfect.
    Couldn’t be any better.
    Love it tons, great work!!

    That’s Better.

    Posted 7.19.11 Reply
  50. April wrote:

    so pretty! I love it!

    Posted 7.20.11 Reply
  51. I absolutely love that skirt! Not to mention, the entire outfit is just adorable.

    Posted 7.22.11 Reply
  52. Ashley J wrote:

    Holy Toldeo! That skirt is perfect! I absolutely love everything about it!!! Great heels too!!! Love your style!!!

    Ashley J @

    Posted 7.25.11 Reply
  53. I found your skirt on pinterest. I think we have the same taste! You def. look cuter but It is nice to see someone who likes stripes as much as me!
    check out my stripes!
    Isn’t it great to be able to sew! I thank my mom all the time for teaching me!

    Posted 12.19.11 Reply
  54. Bonnie wrote:

    did you make this skirt? If so, where did you get the fabric? Been looking for just this very thing for bridesmaids!

    Posted 5.10.12 Reply
  55. I want that skirt!!! Where?? Help?! :)

    Posted 7.23.12 Reply
  56. hac2391 wrote:

    Goooo Dawwwgs!!!!

    Posted 2.28.13 Reply