getting here.

*****Disclaimer:  Apparently moving our family across the country turns me into a really lame blogger.  I’d probably apologize more for this if I thought there was any way humanly possible for me to have squeezed more out of myself in the past week.  But honestly, I don’t think it’s possible.  We’re not even going to talk about the stress-induced break-out going on up in here all over my face.  Not pretty.  I didn’t get acne as a teenager.  Um, hello face, you’re 28, let’s not make up for it 12 years later, k?  Thanks.

On to the good stuff, shall we?

Blouse, Watch: Target.  Under Shirt: The Loft.  Tuxedo skinnies: Old Navy.  Gladiators: Payless.  Ring: Bought in Mexico.

This is what I wore to the airport, plus a fedora which by this point had been ditched at the hotel.  I won’t tell you how husband rolled his eyes when he saw me walking out the door that morning with a delicate straw hat in tow, but really, if you know of a better way to pack a fedora I would love to know it.  I mean you can’t just shove a straw hat in a suitcase.  Husband’s solution: buy a new hat when we get there.  Um, hello!  Do you have any idea how long it takes to find a fedora that looks right?  I know they all look the same, but every fedora is so not created equal.  It was however, a bit of a hassle given the number of over sized bags and small children we had in tow, but hey, we made it.  Fedora and all.  Also, these pants are possibly the most comfortable things on the planet, and I got them for 97cents at Old Navy.  Yeah, 97 cents. I love the clearance section.

So yummy with their little backpacks, don’t you just want to smooch them? 

On to the airport. Yeah, so it was 8 bags, plus a car seat.  And yes, our kids were champs and helped us pull those puppies, through the parking garage where we dropped the rental car, onto the shuttle, back off the shuttle, across the street, through check-in and up to the counter, where the woman checking our bags proceeded to roll her eyes approximately 38 times at us.  Hey lady, what’s your problem?  We’re paying up the wazoo to check these.  I honestly hate that I felt like I needed to explain myself, but I really did.  “I don’t really pack this much for a vacation.  We’re moooving.  And also, the rest of my stuff is in a box somewhere between Phoenix and Seattle, and I’m living out of a suitcase for a month.”  Instead, I just told her to charge the extra amount when one of our bags (ahem, mine) was 9 pounds over weight.  Insert eye roll #39.

Once the bags were checked, life was easy breezy and it turns out my children are possibly the best air travelers on the planet.  I’m not kidding.  I’m pretty sure the 9 year old, with his crumbly croissant sandwich and giant movie player made more of a ruckus on the plane than Carter.  Also, my kids thought the over-invasive X-ray machines at security were super cool.  I just hope we don’t get cancer.  Thanks TSA.

The airport, the flight, whizzing right past Mount Rainier mid-air, and greeting our new state hello was a lot of fun.  But by the end of the day, I’m not going to lie, I had almost been reduced to tears a number of times.  Change this big, and fast always makes me feel a little out of control and overwhelmed.  But after a couple of hours we made our way over to the Temple in Bellevue, and as soon as I stepped out of the car, I felt that familiar peace wash over me.  And I felt like everything might be alright in the world after all.  And I’m grateful.  Grateful that my husband has a really good job, when other people don’t.  Grateful that we get to be together everyday now.  Grateful that his nice company flew us here and shipped our stuff so we wouldn’t have to drive 3 kids 1500 miles (yuck).  I’m grateful that this is the place we got to come, because Seattle is blow-your-mind-beautiful.  Seriously, I have never seen a place like this.  (And I’ve lived a lot of places).  And I’m grateful for friends from way back in the BYU-I college days who found out we were coming here and went way out of their way to help us out on the decent areas to live, then let us crash their super awesome 4th of July party, and made us feel right at home.  Seriously guys, thank you so much.

More about my love-affair with my new city to follow…

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  1. miamihoney wrote:

    Glad you made it there in one piece and your fedora survived the trek :)

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  2. Jodi wrote:

    I’m so glad you love it up there! I’m in Oregon and am remembering why I love summers in the NW so much… gorgeous! (Glad you weren’t up here for the spring DELUGE though – you would have hated it!)

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  3. Linda Z wrote:

    You look super cute! What a crazy plane trip… glad you all made it in one piece and can settle into your new life. :)

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  4. Denise wrote:

    great outfit. adorable family!

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  5. I love your stories! Wow I missed something big, you’re moving?!? What an adventure!

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  6. Ally wrote:

    O the Fedora story is SO true, even if I tried on a thousand of the same hat, only ONE would manage to fit me just right. Men do not understand. I am an eastern Washington folk (originally from Wyoming) and Washington is a.m.a.z.i.n.g, although we are a little more desert than Seattle, let me know if you need any good recommendations, I know the locals if ya know what I mean ;-)

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  7. LaynahRose wrote:

    It’s impressive that you were able to move your family without a breakdown. And so SO sweet of your college friends to help you feel more at home! Good luck getting situated.

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  8. newpetite wrote:

    The first thing that impresses me about this place is the air.. clean and fresh :) Cant wait to hear more on what you have to say about Seattle :) 97 cents for a pant is super! wow!

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  9. Delaney wrote:
    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  10. Sarah wrote:

    I discovered your blog recently, and coincidentally my husband and I just moved to Seattle (from Salt Lake) last week. I’m loving the cooler temps, and it’s great to hear how someone else is doing w such a big move.

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  11. Andrea wrote:

    You were so in my ‘hood :) I am like two minutes from the temple. I hope the transistion keeps getting easier and easier – I am sure this glorious (HOT to me, probably cool to you) weather has been helping!

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  12. Chrissy wrote:

    SUCH a cute outfit. And those pants, 97 cents?! Clearance sections are amazing, aren’t they? I am your newest follower: visiting from The Pleated Poppy today!

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  13. Mrs. Smith wrote:

    Holy moly! You and your hubs are champs. The idea of even having our 2 kids in the vicinity of an airport gives me the shakes.

    P.s…. about how long ago were these fantastic .97 pants in the clearance section. I’m afraid of skinnies, but you are giving me courage.

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  14. glad you made it safely!
    and just breathe… anyone in that situation would feel the stress i’m sure! once things settle down you can sit back and enjoy your new life!!
    xo dana

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  15. You look adorable as always! Moving is totally stressful, there’s no denying it. Welcome to the Pacific NW, glad we’ve got some great weather for you!

    Posted 7.6.11 Reply
  16. Jenn wrote:

    So cute! I love your style! I am a little North of you (just outside of Vancouver) but I love Seattle and love coming down that way to shop! :) Your newest follower, Jenn

    Posted 7.7.11 Reply
  17. Connie wrote:

    Glad you made it safe! And I totally scored the same pants, except mine were $1.47!

    Posted 7.10.11 Reply