go north.

Maxi, Undershirt: Forever 21.  Necklace: Ross.  Ring: Bought in Mexico.  Shoes, Watch: Target.

I finally jumped on the maxi wagon.  And it only took mustard yellow stripes to get me there.  Figures.  I really genuinely thought that a maxi would make me look like an umpa lumpa, but I decided that they are so ridiculously comfortable that it might not matter.  Okay, it still matters.  We’re not going to talk about how I still had to take about 7 inches off this dress, and how much I hate hemming knits.  Is anyone out there good at working with knits?  I would love to know the secret…

Speaking of secrets…

You all know that my husband has been traveling almost non-stop for the past month.  Which pretty much stinks.  I’m not good at being a long-distance wife.  Unfortunately, the really important testing that had Mr. Husband jetting all over the country will be continuing for the foreseeable future.  As in the next 5 months.  So in lieu of a summer and fall spent sans the Mr, we accepted a DTA from the company.  (DTA means domestic temporary assignment, if you are like me and didn’t know what the acronym meant)  Which means, that next Thursday a big truck and a couple of movers with show up and pack up part of our house (we’re not taking everything), and load our cars onto a big fancy car moving truck.  And next Friday, the five of us will climb onto a plane and jet off to Seattle for the next 5 months.  Seattle.  The land of Rain.  After broiling in the land of the sun all spring, I am happy to avoid another July in Arizona.  I’m already dreaming of cardigans…

Yes, it’s a little crazy.
But, I love a little crazy.

Arizona’s decided to bid me a fond farewell.  110 or over all of next week.  Lovely.

ps. If you’re from Seattle, give me a shout out.  I need some northern friends…

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  1. You look beyond adorable! No tips for knots here, I usually mess them up pretty bad. Wow, Thursday’s the day! That came so fast. Call me if you need a break or anything. Love you!

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  2. miamihoney wrote:

    You look great. Seattle is so pretty, rain and all. Happy travels :)

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  3. Andrea wrote:

    I’M IN SEATTLE!!!! Actually Bellevue, two minutes from the Seattle Mormom temple (which I am not mormon, but I figure you know where that is). You will LOVE it here and never wanna go back. Although, it is kinda still like fall weather :( Totally rained last night, lol.

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  4. Katie wrote:

    HOw fun! I love Seattle. You’ll definitely appreciate the cooler temps. Good luck on the move.

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  5. Julie wrote:

    LOVe the maxi!
    I hate knits too! So frustrating sometimes! Maybe you could hem it with steam a seam?

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  6. Amy N. wrote:

    I live about an hour south of Seattle! It’s the best place ever! So many fun and amazing things to do!

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  7. melody-mae wrote:

    I am 2 hours North of Seattle…Seattle is awesome and you are going to be there during the good weather! If you need fun ideas, of things to do/ssee let me know…


    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  8. Risawn wrote:

    Everything is about two months late in Washington weather wise, summer isn’t quite here yet, but you are going into the dry season in the Pacific Northwest. The summers are actually quite pleasant, unless it never shows up like it seems to be doing this year. But it will definitely be a break from the Arizona heat.

    But it will be a quick jaunt to Seaside OR this summer!

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  9. Meagan wrote:

    I grew up in Seattle and I LOOOOOVE IT! Summers in Seattle are the best. Definitely cooler weather than Arizona, HOWEVER, not too many houses have AC. Soooo bring your fans with you. My family moved to North Carolina after living in seattle and we realized that there are places that exist that stay green without too much rain. The rain was gorgeous, but living in a state where it rains a few bits here and there but still stays just as green? AND the southern charm??? We love it! BUT- enjoy seattle. It is such an amazing city. We lived in the suburb side in Woodinville, but anywhere around the city is amazing. Make sure to check out the cherry blossom trees on the U of Washington campus. Ammmazing. And Pikes Market. Of course.

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  10. Emily K. wrote:

    I am from Seattle (technically Renton, not far at all). I love your fashion blog so much. Are you living right in the city? The weather is a little dreary, but, my husband grew up here, and we have been here 8 years, and I love it. We could be friends. . . I’m LDS too.

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  11. illumined wrote:

    Good luck on your big move!

    You look great in that maxi. I am 5’4, and I’ve always worried that maxis would overwhelm me but I LOVE THEM, and I really think they make the body look long and lean, no matter how tall you are. Luckily I am *just* tall enough that most of them are the perfect length on me. I do have one or two that require a little bit higher of a heel! I am not good at hemming at all, so I just deal with it. Looks like you did a great job hemming.

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  12. Melissa wrote:

    You look fantastic in that maxi!!! I’m not even five feet but I’ve managed to find some that I really like and they ARE monumentally comfortable.

    It sounds like you’re setting out on an adventure! I hope it’s a fun five months!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom’s Closet

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  13. i hate sewing knits. i alwayssss jam my machine.

    youll love seattle!! well at least i did, my aunt and uncle live there and i went to visit a few years ago. by far one of my favorite trips.
    if you get the chance youll have to go to leavenworth. its this adorable little german town and it was just a blast. and Pike Place Market. if i could move to seattle i so would! have fun!

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  14. newpetite wrote:

    You will Love the weather we are having right now 50s-70s!! And yes it feel like heaven. But it can get really hot coz not everyone has AC around here and so fan is a must! Don’l laugh when they issue heat warning at 90s!! Lotsa stuff to do in and around the city. I live in Redmond.

    Somehow Im scared of Maxi dresses. I feel like they are this giant cloth monster who will swallow me!! Hahaha.. But thats just me! you totally rock the look!

    Looking forward to your take on the rainy city :)

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  15. LaynahRose wrote:

    Bah, Im a shortie and I’m scared to wear a maxi too! I need to get over it though they are so fabulous and comfortable…if you can do it i can do it :)

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  16. kileen wrote:

    i love the maxi look on you! and you’ll have a great time in Seattle!

    cute & little

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  17. Can I ask what your husband does? That is unfortunate that he is always traveling! I hate when my husband is gone 8 hours a day – I couldn’t imagine a month at a time!!!

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  18. Jenna wrote:

    Great decision for the Maxi. I love the comfyness of them too. My little brother is on his mish in Everett, WA, so I’m jealous you’ll be close to him. Have a fun 5 month Vacay!

    Posted 6.25.11 Reply
  19. I’m trying to put my jealousy into words…I wish I could escape Arizona and go to Washington! As in, I wish I could just live there, not for just five months! Enjoy! Now your kids can be not bored again!

    Posted 6.26.11 Reply
  20. I have quite a few friends in Seattle, Tacoma and Gig Harbor. It’s gorgeous up there and compared to Arizona you are going to LOVE it. Their summer is probably for the month of July only and it’s maybe 80. LOL. I’ve been up there 2x a year for the past 10 yrs. Gorgeous. You should make a trip to Fox Island with the kids. It’s got the most beautiful view and of course tacoma narrow bridge is amazing in itself as well. I’m so excited for you!!!

    Posted 6.26.11 Reply
  21. I totally feel you on having to hem maxi dresses. I LOVE maxi dresses because of how comfortable they are (plus you can totally cheat when you’re running late and look cute without really trying), but being short makes it difficult.

    Posted 6.26.11 Reply
  22. I’m living up here in the Seattle area!!!! I hope you enjoy it here!! And if you need a friend to hang out with, let’s meet up!!!! Mommyhoodblog@gmail.com


    Posted 6.27.11 Reply
  23. Laura wrote:

    Good luck with the move…Seattle is a beautiful place, it will be fun to explore up there. And the maxi looks awesome!!!

    Posted 6.27.11 Reply
  24. I have a knit maxi that’s about 5in long. I can sew a hem, but I’m nervous about doing it on a knit. Are there any tricks/settings you use that would help?

    Posted 6.27.11 Reply
  25. Diana wrote:

    Good luck on the big move! Moving is not fun. However, you will love Seattle. It’s very different than Arizona, but it’s got a great character and also great weather.

    We live in Chicago but spend many breaks in Seattle because my husband’s parents are out there and we like to visit them. They are in Bellevue, and we’ll be there for about a week in July. Seattle’s got food, swimming, plenty of outdoor activities, and enough city to have culture, so I give it a thumbs up. I could totally imagine living there full-time someday.

    Packing stinks though, so good luck with that. Ugh. They must have people at the airport to help the elderly, so why not the same for families with kids?

    Posted 6.28.11 Reply
  26. Andrea wrote:

    Ooh, I just thought of something else – you will be here for the PNW blogger meetup! check out the button in my sidebar ;)

    Posted 6.29.11 Reply
  27. DeeAnna wrote:

    Seattle is an amazing city. You will love it….but I have to say if you have naturally curly or wavy hair, you may want to embrace it now. I lived there when I was first married, and had my first son there. I had to go au natural…with my hair anyway! Enjoy the rain and cool temps.

    Posted 7.2.11 Reply
  28. Becky wrote:

    I have been looking at getting that exact maxi dress but wasn’t sure how to wear it and now i know but I am dying to know what size you got? I tried on the small and it was so tight but the large is just too large…


    Posted 7.15.11 Reply