plain white tee.

Tee: Forever 21.  Shorts: Ross.  Shoes/Belt: Target.
When I asked Mr. Husband to snap a few pictures of me yesterday evening, he responded with, “Are you really going to blog that outfit?”  Huh.  I looked down at myself. Yeah, I guess it’s pretty vanilla.  But this is what I really wore.  I’m not fabulous everyday. I know, big surprise.  
But I get a lot of questions about how I dress in the hades-like heat we have in Arizona.
And sometimes, this is all I can come up with.
I’ve been seeing facebook posts all day about how summer has finally arrived.
We’ve been blasting summer for months here.
It was 108 yesterday.  
I don’t even want to talk about July.
Yesterday miss Hannah told me that summer is boring.
I kind of have to agree with her.
In Arizona, summer is boring.  
You are either swimming, like totally submersed in water, or you are doing something inside.
Anything else is just too hot.
I send my kids out back to play and they come in with red faces and heat exhaustion in five minutes.
And heat like that turns me into a minimalist.
Or, basically, a boring dresser.
Nothing but a plain white tee and shorts.

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  1. Right there with ya… HOTter than Haiti’s in Houston. I see all these cute fashion bloggers in their cardi’s and jeans… uh, not happenin’ here.

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  2. Laura wrote:

    I’m kind of obsessed with plain white t’s…I think I have 6 of the same scoop neck white t’s from the Rack that I wear all the time and they are especially great with layering…

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  3. Tiffany wrote:

    A tee and shorts are sexy… at least that’s what my hubs thinks. =) I think you look cute!

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  4. i’m right there with the plain white tee obsession…with a few gray ones tossed in. you look super cute!

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  5. i saw the pic of your outfit and before reading anything, i thought how super cute your outfit is! i love the plain white tee and super cute striped shorts. sometimes simpler is better!

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  6. Katie wrote:

    I think you look great and I had to laugh because my husband has said those words to me too. Haha!

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  7. Your petite body looks bomb in this white tee!

    Ask the Duplex

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  8. newpetite wrote:

    How much comfier can you get.. a classic white tee and shorts is all you need! You look good!

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  9. Ana Paula wrote:

    I have to TOTALLY agree with you: Summer’s boring. Here in Eastern WA we are having so much darn pollen that my poor hubs can’t go outside. So no picnics for us; no playing outside, no going anywhere… it’s boring.


    Ana Paula – Pretty in Polka Dots

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  10. Ashley wrote:

    I still think that outfit is great! I for one, love white T’s. It’s an absolute must in my closet. Love it with the seersucker shorts. I give it 2 thumbs up for an AZ summer day

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  11. Lindsay wrote:

    You are so darn cute. LOVE this look. Totally my style!

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply
  12. Annie wrote:

    Thank you!!!! Summer in Texas is just as unbearable and humid!!! I’m NOT a summer fanatic, and I feel so left out of all of the happy summer blogs I keep reading lately. I’m a total minimalist in the summer, too. Short shorts and tank tops is about it.

    Posted 6.23.11 Reply