
Cropped pants: Gap.  Stiped tee, flip flops: Old Navy. Bag: Target.  Belt: Thrifted.  Friend: Kelsey.

Our day in Ensenada was a total blast.  Before I begin with our on shore shenanigans, let me just start by saying that we were probably the biggest slackers on the ship.  A long stressful year coupled with our dark-as-a-cave state room without a window meant that all three of us slept in until at least 10 o’clock (sometimes later) every single day.  Add a good workout, a leisurely breakfast, and a shower, and none of us were ready until around 2 pm.  It was quite glorious.  But it also meant that we didn’t disembark until quite late.  When we asked the lady at the guest services desk where to go to get off, she actually responded “You’re just now leaving?  For the first time?”  Yeah.  We’re losers.  And since none of us were drinking, we didn’t even have a hangover as an excuse.

Warning, if you go to Mexico, prepare for a whirlwind as soon as you get there.  We got off the ship, got onto a bus that drove us to a busy street where we got off the bus, ran across said busy street, and got on another bus out to a place called “La Bufadora.”  Or the blow-hole.  But “La Bufadora” sounds so much better than “blow-hole” and is possibly the most fun word to say with a Spanish accent.  Ever.  Try saying it.  See…

To say that the bus ride was bumpy would be an understatement.  But 45 minutes later, we were unloading in front of the little open air market leading to La Bufadora.  Let the shenanigans begin.

 Something really yummy, right out of a clam.
 World’s greasiest churros.  Yum.

 I got doused by La Bufandora, insert frizzy hair.

Our own serenade.

two Armenian guys from our tour bus, who wore those oversized sombreros for the next day and a half on the cruise ship and pounded back so many tequila shots while we waited for the bus that I lost count.
Enough said.
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  1. you must try cabo san lucas. seriously – its the mexico that you dream of. it’s gorgeous, it can be totally secluded or you can go into town for nightlife and activities, or just chill at your hotel. gorgeous beaches, we’ve seen whales, and the weather is fantastic! its probably one of my favorite spots to go and relax. looks like you gals had a great time!

    Posted 6.16.11 Reply
  2. Katie wrote:

    I love the cruise rooms because they are so dark! I remember once I woke up and it was 12:15!! My friends had left me to sleep, haha!

    Posted 6.16.11 Reply
  3. Cori wrote:

    Oh, I’ll have to try Cabo. It sounds amazing!

    Posted 6.16.11 Reply
  4. Yoly wrote:

    Wow!!! Sorry to hear your trip to Mexico didn’t go as well as you would’ve liked it to go. That being said, I feel totally offended by your post. As a Mexican-American I know that my motherland is a very poor, but exceptionally beautiful country. If your experiences in Mexico have been bad before, why go back?

    I love your blog and when I found it, I actually thought you were Latina. Next time you post something about a country hopefully you will think about not offending any of your readers.

    Dios te bendiga

    Posted 6.16.11 Reply
  5. Cori wrote:


    I am so sorry to have offended you! I went and reread my post and I can completely understand why it would have come across that way. I was mostly just trying to be funny, and honestly wrote it in a huge hurry this morning between breakfast and baths for my kids. I in no way meant to offend anyone, or insult the Mexican culture. My sincerest apologies. I have only been to Cancun, Cozumel, and Ensenada. I am sure there are many places that are wonderful in Mexico, I was just trying to share my opinion about the areas I had been to. I am truly truly sorry to have offended you! I didn’t even consider that it would be taken that way. People bag on my home state all the time, and I never think twice about it, because I know that it’s just their opinion, but I appreciate so much your remarks because it really made me think about being more careful. Thanks and again, I am so sorry.

    Posted 6.16.11 Reply
  6. Yoly wrote:

    Apology accepted :)Just remember…“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”
    Audrey Hepburn

    Posted 6.16.11 Reply
  7. Oh geez, this is personal blog and a person is entitled to be honest about how they feel. That doesn’t mean YOU, the reader, have to agree. There is good and bad everywhere. My parents are from Guatemala, I lived there for 2 years in my twenties and I’ll be the first to say that I’m in love with that country. Are there horrible places there? Yes. Did I get sick from some of the food? Yes. Are some places so dirty I wouldn’t recommend them to visitors? Yes. Does that mean I don’t love my country and am not proud of where my ancestors are from? No. I’m sorry Cori, I just think you don’t have to write a post to apologize about what you said about your trip. If Yoly was offended, that’s on her. I enjoyed your post and will continue following your blog, accepting the good and the bad!

    Posted 6.17.11 Reply
  8. Mrs. Smith wrote:

    I know Cori wasn’t intending to be unkind. Heck, I think we can all agree that there are some terrible places in the States. Places that are dirty, dangerous, unpleasant, etc. That’s ok. Cori wasn’t making a value judgment about the people or the culture, but expressing a preference.

    As Grace said, you can have mixed feelings about any locale. You can both like it and dislike it for many reasons.

    Most importantly, the difficult thing about blogging is that it is impossible to read “tone”. By that I mean, I wonder if one would be offended if the conversation was had over a cup of coffee, face to face. It’s difficult to read a teasing tone, a sarcastic tone, a playful or humorous tone. Those don’t express well, sometimes at all, in writing. When we aren’t sure, we ask and we extend grace and assume the best about the other person. We also try to remember that our differences in opinion make the world go ’round, make life much more interesting and provide great subjects for BLOGGING :).

    Posted 6.17.11 Reply
  9. Alyssa wrote:

    Super fun! Ensenada is a pretty fun place! The hubs and I stopped there on our honeymoon! Looks like you had fun!

    Posted 6.20.11 Reply
  10. I LOVED your post and I love your whole blog in general. I always smile while I read it! Just remember your blog is just that YOURS, your place to share your feelings and opinions!

    Posted 6.22.11 Reply