
Striped shirt: Forever21.  Trouser Jeans, Scarf: The Loft.  Coral Wedges: Old Navy.  Earrings: Target.  Belt: ??.  Fedora: Kohls.
I’ve totally rediscovered this braided belt of late.  It’s kind of a nice break from all my skinny belts.  Not that I don’t love all my colorful belts, but I almost gave up on this one, and donated it to the thrift store.  So. glad. I. didn’t.  I’m kind of in love with it again.  (Which is probably why I keep wearing it…)
Speaking of love.  How much do we love Polyvore?  I love that I can create sets with items similar to ones I already have in my closet and then keep them on file for days when I have no inspiration whatsoever.  I also love seeing if something that looks good in theory really translates well into real life.  
  striped coral

I’m really glad that Arizona decided to take a little break from the heat yesterday so I could wear this outfit before next fall.  I’m also glad that life has slowed down enough for me to actually give my eyebrows a proper grooming.  Remember my slight eyebrow obsession?  Well, I’m happy to report that their shape has returned in all its former glory.  I know how bad you were all waiting for that. Right?  Guys?

Oh, and I was interviewed by Smashion today over in their lounge.  Go check it out.  And check out Smashion.  It’s pretty much awesome.  It’s like thrifting without all the digging. Way. more. convenient.
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  1. aaaw i love this look.

    Posted 5.20.11 Reply
  2. Laura wrote:

    love the stripes, the splash of coral, and a fedora- that screams summer!! super cute stuff!

    Posted 5.20.11 Reply
  3. Ashley wrote:

    So cute! I have recently been obsessed with white t’s with a colored stripe and you have confirmed for me that the obsession is worth it. love it with scarves too!

    Posted 5.20.11 Reply
  4. Jenni wrote:

    VEry cute! Love the pops of color! Where are your shoes from?

    Posted 5.20.11 Reply
  5. Lindsay wrote:

    LOVE IT! You are ADORABLE!

    Posted 5.21.11 Reply
  6. Great outfit! LOVE the scarf and the shoes as accents.

    Followed you here from Real Momma, Real Style.


    Posted 5.23.11 Reply
  7. Cori wrote:

    Thanks guys! I’m glad this outfit worked in real life. You know how much I love me some stripes.

    Posted 5.24.11 Reply