nothing fabulous.

Guys, I have nothing fabulous to say to day.  Honestly, I have tried to write this post about 10 times.  And, nothing.  Call it day after vacation depression, or whatever.  I took no outfit photos whilst in Disneyland, mostly because the first day we were running around like hooligans having fun, and the second day it rained. Alot.  And I walked around till about noon in a bright yellow poncho with wet feet and pants.  I know.  Super sexy.  I will take a moment to tell you about two things, that were a-mazing on the trip.

1.My new jacket from the Loft.  I thought bringing this baby might be overkill because it’s California in May, but it turned out to be kind of chilly the whole trip and I basically lived in this thing.  It may be the best jacket in the world.  Seriously.  I have several reasons for holding this opinion.  It fits like a glove (this almost never happens with me and jackets, the sleeves are almost always too long), it is light-weight so you don’t get too hot, it cuts the wind like a dream so you don’t get cold either, it’s got all these awesome buttons and pockets, it’s got hidden cinching  action so I can change the shape (you know if I want to), and it has a mandarin collar.  I’m telling you, I really love my dreamboat jacket.  So glad I stalked it for weeks and weeks waiting for the Loft to mark it down enough for my cheapskate bones.  $79 down to $27, not bad if you ask me.

2.  I got to meet this lovely lady in REAL LIFE.  I don’t know if you guys read her, but really you should.  And just in case you were wondering if she’s as great in real life as she seems on her bloggy-blog.  She’s better.  Down to earth, spunky, beyond nice, and hilarious.  Plus, she’s creative.  And her son, is completely delicious.  I’m like 99% sure we were friends before we came to earth.  Meeting her was awesome.  And now we get to be real life friends too.  Love ya Nina!

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  1. Not sure if you have done this before, but you should do a belt tutorial. You always have the cutest belts and the other day my friend and I went looking for belts and neither of us really knew how to wear them and when to wear them exactly. Like, how do you do that cute little twist thing where you loop it under(if that makes any sense at all?)

    Posted 5.19.11 Reply
  2. Not sure if you’ve noticed, but we are kind cute! LOVE YOU!

    Posted 5.19.11 Reply
  3. Laura wrote:

    Just wanted to say hi…I recently came across your blog…love it!! You’re a little hottie and it’s fun to see your outfits! :) Glad you’ve had an amazing vaca…and how fun you got to meet Nina!

    Posted 5.19.11 Reply
  4. Andrea wrote:

    so glad when bloggy friends become real life friends! glad you guys got to meet!!

    Posted 5.19.11 Reply
  5. Michelle wrote:

    Love your little blog. You’ve inspired me to get creative & take pride in my clothes even if I’m just hanging out at home. Also, you’re adorable! Thanks!

    Posted 5.20.11 Reply
  6. Cori wrote:

    Thanks guys! And also, I have a belt tutorial on the way. As soon as I figure out where my children hid my flip. Lovely.

    Posted 5.24.11 Reply