history. (and a winner.)

Jeans, Jacket, Scarf, Sunglasses: The Loft.  Belt: Ross.  Shoes: Payless.  Fedora: Kohls.  Bag: Target.

Today was ah-mazing.  We went and toured the Queen Mary cruise liner.  It was built like over 70 years ago and was this incredible luxury cruise liner that carted people back and forth between Europe and the U.S.  Then during WW2 it transformed into this awesome Navy boat and carted thousands and thousands of soldiers across the Atlantic and basically saved our bacon.  Seriously, Winston Churchill himself said that if it weren’t for Mary (I can call her that now, we’re tight) the war would have lasted at least a few years longer.  I love history.  I especially love it when I’m where it happened and learning about it.  So much cooler.  Also, I’ve always had this huge fascination with WW2, and not just because everything they wore back then was fabulous.  Although, everything they wore was pretty fabulous.  I mean, come on Rosie the Riveter basically pioneered high waisted trouser jeans.

 Can I tell you a little secret about white pants.  They are great with pastels.  Seriously, you should try this.  I think a lot of people avoid wearing anything light with white because they don’t want to disappear in the clothes, but white pants are so crisp they really make the pastels pop, which let’s face it doesn’t usually happen with pastels.

And now, on to the giveaway…
I plugged this into random.org,

and got this:
Congrats, Noelle, you lucky duck.  You’re such a winner…
Now please email me pronto, so I can tell you what to do so I can whip up your fabulous skirt and get it out to you.
And thanks to EVERYONE who entered.  I loved reading about all the reasons you like to get dolled up.  Top two reasons:  for your hubbies, and yourself.  Those are pretty much the best reasons out there…You guys are the bomb.
Yes, I just wrote that.   
Disneyland in the a.m. eek!
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  1. lori wrote:

    i too found your blog on LMM and am lovin’ it!!!

    especially thank you for the white pants tip! i have been struggling with what to wear with my lovely white pants and cropped skinnies… i will try them with pastels! thanks!

    Posted 5.16.11 Reply
  2. gudielgirl wrote:

    I am now a huge fan of your blog and this post made me 100% sure about that! I have recently visited the Queen Mary and took the tour and it was so cool! i just loved it! did you take the ghosts and legends tour? its so much fun! I love your stlye!

    Posted 5.16.11 Reply
  3. Are you home yet??? I’m going through withdrawls. Dying to hear how CA Adventure was. Hope you guys had a blast!!!

    Posted 5.18.11 Reply
  4. MUG wrote:

    I just discovered your blog and love your style. I’m only 5 feet tall so stylish dressing can be a challenge! Thanks for the inspiration!

    Posted 5.18.11 Reply