I went.
I bought.

I love.
Thanks TOMS, for being so awesome.
And giving shoes to kids.
Which may or may not have made me cry at least 3 times in the past day.
But who’s counting?

What are you waiting for?
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  1. Melissa wrote:

    They seem SUPER comfy and I love what they stand for. I just might have to save up some money to buy a pair!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom’s Closet

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  2. You are hilarious! Ashley did the same thing when we went to get her’s last week. You need to move to LA, now please??? We need a trio of ridiculousness over here fo’ shizzle.

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  3. Cori wrote:

    Um, Nina, you have no idea how much I wish I was your next door neighbor right about now. ;-)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  4. Karri wrote:

    So they really are comfy? I’ve been wavering for SO LONG.

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  5. Cori wrote:

    To die for comfy. Immediately. And SO light weight.

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  6. Angela wrote:

    I’m trying to figure out why everyone loves these so much. Since you have a pair now will you please tell me.

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  7. hehe….I’m stalking you today. Is it Monday yet?

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  8. Lindsay wrote:

    LOVE these! Im a new follower from MGR :) Your adorable!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  9. i have 3 pairs already, i looooove them!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  10. Jodi wrote:

    I love the color you picked!! Still wishin’ for my pair.

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  11. Kayla wrote:

    Is your watch from Target? I think I might have the same one :)

    Freckles in April

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  12. Andrea wrote:

    Accckkk! Red ones, so flappin JEALOUS!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  13. I have two pairs of the wedges. Red and blue – love them!!! Now I need to get a pair just like yours.

    Posted 5.12.11 Reply
  14. i have a pair of the red and the navy is tempting me too! congrats on your first pair of toms!

    Posted 5.12.11 Reply
  15. Hello!! I’m new to your blog as of today but know I will fo’ sho’ be stopping by often. You just need to know, that this girl really thinks you ought to try out for Project Runway…seriously!! Who’s with me?!?!

    Posted 5.12.11 Reply
  16. Hilarious, because I am drafting this exact same post right now! And I even got the red ones too! I got some for my 2 year old as well :)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  17. Jessica wrote:

    So funny, I found you via Ashley @ Little Miss Momma and I heart my red Toms sooo much!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  18. cat wrote:

    hi! i am newly OBSESSED with your blog!! first of all.. toms.. best decision ever! you’ll never regret it!! :) and secondly, you have the cutest style in the world! and what i love MOST about your style is that (im not sure how to explain this) but you dress sooo cute that i didnt even notice your necessity for modesty! im LDS too and i feel sometimes like i have to wear a sweater or lame tee everyday but you have opened my eyes to SO many cute styles! im in love haha thank you! :) :)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  19. claudia b wrote:

    I am dying to get a pair of TOMS. Are they all-day walking comfy or just couple-of-hours walking comfy?

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  20. I want some so bad! I love yours they are really cute!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  21. Megan wrote:

    They are so awesome!! We just got back from 6 days in San Diego and our first day I tried to wear flip flops to walk around plus im 6 and half months pregnant so they did not work out. I found a surf shop that had them and never took them off the whole trip. We were walking about 7 miles a day and they saved my life!! Only bad thing I have the WORST TOMS tan line lol!!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  22. Laura wrote:

    I found you from Ashley at Little Miss Momma too, and I am so glad that I did!
    You have such a cute sense of style and have the cutest clothes! Please tell me that you have an Etsy shop for all those cute skirts that you make?!
    I am short and mormon and no longer have any fashion sense, so I’m glad that I found your blog and know where to shop now!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  23. Aileen wrote:

    I LOVE toms. I seriously wore my last pair to death. I need to go get another pair, but I have trouble deciding.

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  24. Kelly wrote:

    I just bought my first pair of TOMS, too! I got the grey ones. LOVE!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  25. Hi Cori, I’m Helvia from Argentina. And I really appreciate the love North-Americans have for Toms. It´s cute and funny cos it’s a pure ARGENTINIAN DESIGN. Our version of cowboys wear them here cos they are so comfy and…cheap! haha. Yes, we hardly pay 2 dlrs for a pair :) So thank you fellow friends from the North for using our shoes and spreading out our design to the world :D Hugs to Cori from warm Buenos Aires!

    Posted 2.23.13 Reply