little striped family.

The duds:
On Husband: Shirt and Tie: Kohls.  Slacks: Banana Republic.
On Me: Dress: made by me.  Fabric via Ikea and Joanns. Necklace: NY&Co.  Ring: Target.  Shoes: Gift.
On Hannah: Dress: made by me.  Hair bow: made by me.
On the boys: Slacks: Old Navy/Chaps.  Oxford shirts: Chaps.  Ties: made by me.
Easter was, in a word, sublime.  New bikes from the Easter Bunny, a colorful egg hunt, pancakes made by daddy, lovely church service, bike rides, lamb rib roast for dinner, and a trip to the park.  I ate way more bunny shaped sugar cookies than I care to divulge, but the new Easter frocks were a hit, both with kids and dad alike.  My boys (for once) didn’t whine about wearing a tie to church, but that might have been because the neckline was elastic and when they pulled on them they sprang back.  Endless entertainment for the munchkins.   

The boys:
Carter, who just has to climb.
And Ethan, who wouldn’t let go of that egg all day.
 Miss Hannah was simply a doll.
And me, in my new dress:   

I know, my stripe obsession is getting out of hand. 
And it may or may not be a little nerdy that we all matched… 
 But I guess I don’t really care.
When it all came down to it though,
this little surprise stole the show…
Mr. Husband got me the bike I have been coveting for months…
complete with a basket.
and a bell.
and little red birds painted on the fenders. 
which is basically heaven in a bike. 
he sure loves me a lot.

 the feeling is mutual.
the end.
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  1. everything about this post is adorable – your family, your matching dresses, the bike, all completely adorable! just found your blog and i love it :)

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  2. Gertrude wrote:

    Awww all these striped-matchy-matchy outfits are so so cute!!

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  3. Ashley J wrote:

    That is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my whole life! Your little family is adorable, loving all the stripes!

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  4. Jodi wrote:

    I love the stripes! You are one talented lady. I also love the new bike – fabulousness on wheels :)

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  5. Amber wrote:

    Gorgeous family and I need a pattern or some instructions for that brilliant dress. I have a very similar bike and it is for children age 8-11 hehe I don’t even need to raise the seat! Keep the looks coming it is so nice to see looks work for us petites. axx

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  6. Anita wrote:

    You are one talented lady! Absolutely fabulous sewing you did for Easter, my goodness! Perfection!!

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  7. Tara B. wrote:

    You are one talented, chic mama! I did a 30 second “aww” when I saw these pictures (no lie), your family is truly beautiful. Your kids look like little angels!! Your hubby is one lucky guy :)

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  8. CORI….Where do I start??? Kids are adorable. Um, way talented on making your Easter clothes which are totally cute! Bike=LOVE! Glad life is treating you with sweetness :)

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  9. so adorable! love the dresses especially.

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  10. Jenni wrote:

    Holy cuteness! Your dress is so amazing! Shabby Apple has one very similar right now…but my gosh, custom made can’t be beat! I would lve to know if there is a pattern you used?? I need it! Your family is just adorable!

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  11. Your family is so cute! I love how you all matched! Sounds like and looks like the perfect Easter. =)

    -Erin (

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  12. amazing dresses! so so so so cute, and i love that you all matched, it was beyond adorable! how fun to get a pristine new bike for Easter, that’s awesomeness!!


    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  13. Karla wrote:

    The whole family is stripes is way cute. I’m pretty impressed that you made the dresses and ties too!

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  14. Leah wrote:

    Your dress is just beautiful! LOVE IT! The matching family outfits are adorable…not too much at all. Your little girl is a mini you! Her dress is perfect as well. Happy belated Easter to your sweet little family.

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  15. Nicole wrote:

    Love the matching!! You are so inspiring on my new journey of making cloths !!

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  16. Laura wrote:

    I adore your dress and your family portrait makes me grin from ear to ear at your adorableness! I love that you all matched. And sweet hubby on the bike!

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  17. mk wrote:

    I love everything!! Fabulous outfits and the bike is totally perfect!!


    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  18. In stripe heaven… Really!!! Love the green with blue, totally worked, and Hannah??? I am dying. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    Posted 4.26.11 Reply
  19. M wrote:

    love the dress! i would die to have an OUNCE of your sewing talent.

    also, your family is absolutely precious!

    Posted 4.26.11 Reply
  20. Tashina wrote:

    Well done sissy. Love everything. Miss you.

    Posted 4.26.11 Reply
  21. Salazar wrote:

    Just found you on “Color Brigade” and thanks to this, I got my dose of morning adorableness :)

    14 Shades Of Grey

    Posted 4.26.11 Reply
  22. Oh. My. Gosh. These pictures are so amazing. I am speechless. I would totally pay you to make that dress for me.

    Ask the Duplex

    Posted 4.26.11 Reply
  23. Shanna wrote:

    I looooove the stripes! So stinking adorable and put together. And that bike is killer! What kind is it? I’ve been thinking about retiring my old one and getting a different one.

    Posted 4.26.11 Reply
  24. ashley wrote:

    i’m currently in love with stripes as well, and i love these outfits, did you sew them? so beautiful, i’m tempted to try this out

    Posted 4.26.11 Reply
  25. Angela wrote:

    You did a great job on the dresses. I totally want a dress just like that now.

    Method Clothe

    Posted 4.26.11 Reply
  26. lori wrote:

    im stopping by from the pleated poppy and just had to tell you how cute your little family is!! LOVEEEE the dresses and ties, good job!!

    Posted 4.27.11 Reply
  27. I love the dresses and ties you made and that you all coordinated. Makes for a really cute picture.!!

    Posted 4.27.11 Reply
  28. this is adorable. I want kids solely to take a picture like this

    Posted 4.27.11 Reply
  29. Nicole wrote:

    I love that you all have stripes! Great pics and great outfits on all of you!

    Posted 4.27.11 Reply
  30. Soo wrote:

    This is the cutest Easter family pic I have ever seen! You are just too adorable =)

    Posted 4.27.11 Reply
  31. Oh my goodness, how cute are you and your family?! Love the stripes (and the bike!)

    Posted 4.28.11 Reply
  32. obsessed with your dress! what pattern did you use? or did you just wing it? i too am loving ikea striped fabric… i made a few jackets for me and my girls out of a similiar stripe… those sweet little ties too! oh goodness, the whole thing is too cute!!


    Posted 4.29.11 Reply
  33. Liv wrote:

    You guys all look so wonderful! My little fam matched just a bit on Easter- a touch of silver or gray on all three of us. Subtle, but cute.

    Posted 5.2.11 Reply
  34. Mandy wrote:

    Do you have a pattern for those dresses?

    Posted 5.4.11 Reply
  35. I need to know about a dress/skirt pattern too! MUST HAVE! From another stripe obsessed momma! ;)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  36. Do you have a pattern for these dresses! I must have one!!!

    Posted 9.13.11 Reply
  37. Vee wrote:

    I can’t tell enough how excited I am to find a mormon, petite stylist blogger who is a momma. I am 4’11 and I have the hardest time finding clothes I like that fit and are modest and workable with teaching and being a mommy. You site is full of wonderful ideas. Thank you so much. I am envious of your sewing skills. Keep it up!

    Posted 8.11.12 Reply