so boho.

Dress, Belt, Ring: Target.  Shoes: Madden Girl.  Purse: Thrifted.

Let me tell you about yesterday’s shenanigans.  First off, it’s hot here.  Like ridiculous hot.  95 degrees yesterday.  So I wore my breezy bohemian dress, which may or may not need a slip (I haven’t decided for sure), but I refused to wear one out of principle.  There should be a limit on layers in this kind of weather, and so if I get that lovely little, “see through the skirt of my dress in direct sunlight thing,” so be it.  My mom is going to shake her head in disgust at this.

Anyways, the dress worked like a charm keeping me cool, but I discovered it’s breezy properties can create a bit of a problem when riding a bicycle to the park.  As I did yesterday.  (For the record I ride my bike in skirts and dresses all the time, but this one, just didn’t work.)  I also found that when I am trying to herd 3 kids on bicycles through a neighborhood without any of them being struck by a large vehicle, being in said dress only complicate the situation, enough that while trying to mount my bike for the umpteenth time after corralling Ethan back onto the sidewalk, I tripped over  myself and kind of broke my shoe a little.  And while this is happening two older children take off and ride all the way home in the dim dusk light.  All by themselves.  For which they received a sound scolding and went straight to bed.  By the time I got home, with my broken sandal and all I was so frazzled there was really only one thing to do.

Crank up the AC and make myself a large cup of hot chocolate with hand whipped cream on top.  Then I sat on the floor in front of our large ottoman, ate cinnamon toast, drank my cocoa, and watched this:

Which may or may not be the best movie ever.  (It is.)

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  1. I’ve NEVER seen Chocolat and have been told a zillion times that I’m completely missing out! I’m so sorry to hear about your dress/bicycle/shoe mishap. If my kid rode of on her bicycle in the dusk, I’d probably have had a heart attack. I think you handled it extremely well- while look incredible, to boot!

    Must drink hot chocolate in my jammies, tonight. :)

    Posted 4.19.11 Reply
  2. Wow. I wish so much right now I could be sitting and watching Chocolat. That sounds like the perfect way to spend the afternoon. But.. since that is not possible, I will just dream about it.

    And I am loving that yellow skinny belt. It gave the dress the perfect pop of color.

    Posted 4.19.11 Reply
  3. Looove how the belt and bag match. And the print on your dress is so pretty! :D

    I also need to watch Chocolat… I think I’ll add it to my “Must Watch” list. :)

    – Caroline (

    Posted 4.19.11 Reply
  4. Andie wrote:

    Love this dress! You look cute, as always!

    Posted 4.19.11 Reply
  5. Deveny wrote:

    Love that movie so much; biking on the other hand… :)

    Posted 4.19.11 Reply
  6. Love the movie… one of the best induljent destressors. Loved the boho dress:)You look great!

    Posted 4.19.11 Reply
  7. Kam wrote:

    Fantastic movie. If you are ever in SF I will take you to get some fabulous chocolate to satisfy as well. Love the cute blog Cori! Miss ya Cuz!

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  8. Kelly wrote:

    What a gorgeous dress! Love!


    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  9. Nice outfit. Wonderful colors.

    ♥ Love,

    Posted 4.22.11 Reply
  10. I love your blog! Being a petite gal myself, there are so many looks I’m afraid to try, but you are rockin’ them! Maybe I’ll give it a shot.

    And Chocolat…such a good movie! Johnny Depp + chocolate + an Irish accent= hotness!

    Posted 4.27.11 Reply