Category: uncategorized

sunshine after rain.

This dress makes me super cheerful and some days that’s what you have to do to get out of a funk.  Put on something cheerful. Saturday marked three months since we lost our Ruby girl.  It’s funny, because I see her…

like a boss.

One of the very best things about being my own boss is that I can bring my babies to a lunch meeting with me, and then I can pretend to work whilst actually doting on them the whole time, and…

welcome fall.

    Of all the seasons, fall is the very best of all… Don’t you think so? The quintessential fall skirt is now in stock. In Rust and Ginger.

hide and seek.

  My baby Ava has been crawling for quite some time now.  In fact we all thought she would be walking by now–she crawled so early– and she pulls herself up and stands with no hands(!) but it seems like…

something blue.

  Yesterday afternoon my sister and I stopped in at a small cafe off main street to get a cup of cocoa.  We sat at a table next to the window, it was a breezy day and the leaves on…

peach days.

    There’s this festival in Brigham City every early September called Peach Days.  I’ve been wanting to go to it for years, but we’ve always lived a thousand miles away, so it didn’t happen.  I’ve got a real weakness…

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