sew pleated.

Skirt: Self-made.  Blouse: Charlotte Russe, Shoes: TJMaxx, Necklace: NY&Co

 So it turns out that the super pleated skirt style that’s everywhere right now, isn’t all that hard to sew.  I whipped this skirt up in an afternoon, sans pattern no less.  Oh, and I went tea-length, even though that’s a big no no for petites, and even though I don’t drink tea.  Because tea-length dresses are beyond lovely, classic and modest.  All the things I love love love in clothing.

Aren’t the white painted trunks on these citrus trees just dreamy?  One of the few agricultural beauties in Arizona.  I had to find something good about my location because it’s 97 degrees outside right now, and that just turns me into a big curmudgeon.  If this is spring, I am dreading the summer.

Hope your weekend is cooler than mine.  Literally.

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  1. WOW! That skirt is amazing! What fabric did you use and how did you do it? STUNNING!

    Posted 4.2.11 Reply
  2. Amy wrote:

    That skirt is beautiful! I’m really starting to envy so many of you with sewing skills! I must learn!

    amy day to day

    Posted 4.2.11 Reply
  3. WOW! That skirt is beautiful! You’ve got to share the tutorial!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!

    Posted 4.2.11 Reply
  4. Kristen wrote:

    Gorgeous. I would like to order one in size 6, tea length obviously. Ship to sad girl who never learned how to sew. Thanks!

    Posted 4.2.11 Reply
  5. Julie wrote:

    I love tea-length! And I love that fabric. And the pleats. Shall I go on… It is PERFECT! I’m so jealous :)

    Posted 4.2.11 Reply
  6. love, kate wrote:

    super, super cute!! love it!

    Posted 4.2.11 Reply
  7. BEAUTIFUL! You’re so talented, I think you need to post a DIY. Not for me, I can’t sew, but so I can send it to my more talented friends :P

    Posted 4.2.11 Reply
  8. Jenni wrote:

    Holy cow, that is GORGEOUS! It’s super expensive looking..something you could find at Anthro! You are so cute in it too…love it!

    Posted 4.2.11 Reply
  9. Becky wrote:

    I’d love some more info on the skirt! I know how to sew but more info on measuring on just whipping up a skirt would be helpful!

    Posted 4.3.11 Reply
  10. Awesome skirt and for the record, Sarah J Parker and Kelly Ripa have been seen in the longer hem lines. So pretty! I am 5’1″ and I have a dress with longer hem and I absolutely love it! Let’s bring back modesty and ladylike!

    Posted 4.3.11 Reply
  11. This is great! No pattern either, huh? Wow. Looks like it was bought in some store! Very nice. I think once in a while us petites could and should break some fashion rules and rock ’em! You totally rocked the tea-length skirt.

    Posted 4.3.11 Reply
  12. This is an amazing skirt and I love the length! I can definitely see that pleats are coming in and I myself have been dying to either buy one or learn how to make one!

    -Erin (

    Posted 4.3.11 Reply
  13. Lacy wrote:

    You have to tell us how to do it!

    Posted 4.3.11 Reply
  14. Where’s the skirt tutorial girl??? I think it is fabulous…as are you. Enjoying your blog…found you at Momma Go Round.

    Posted 4.4.11 Reply
  15. Becca wrote:

    YOU MADE THIS SKIRT!!! How talented are you, good job and you look great in a tea-legnth skirt!!

    Posted 4.4.11 Reply
  16. I cant believe you made that skirt!! You look perfect in it!!

    Monique xx

    Posted 4.4.11 Reply
  17. love the skirt, tea length is indeed a favorite for me, also a petite.

    Posted 4.4.11 Reply
  18. Colleen wrote:

    So really how did you make the skirt. I was sewing the other night and wouldn’t have been able to pull that off.

    Posted 4.4.11 Reply
  19. Melissa wrote:

    Oh my word. You are stunning! I’m in such awe that you made that skirt yourself – I can’t even sew a button on. I’m pathetic. You look gorgeous! I love this outfit and I could actually wear it to work, I think!

    I noticed your profile said you’re 4 10 and 3/4…I’m barely 1/2 an inch taller at 4 11 and 1/4. Wow. I have to say, I kind of like being short though. I’m really okay with it. :)

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom’s Closet

    Posted 4.4.11 Reply
  20. Gorgeous! I would love a tutorial!

    Posted 4.4.11 Reply
  21. Rachel wrote:

    Kay, I will jump on the tutorial bandwagon! Please, please post one :) Such a cute skirt :)

    Posted 4.4.11 Reply
  22. Jayna Rae wrote:

    That skirt is SUPER awesome and you rock it!!!! I love the photos.

    Posted 4.4.11 Reply
  23. Hey! I found you via What Andie Wears, today, and I’m so glad I did! I’m 4’11” and have so much trouble getting dressed, sometimes! My style blog has helped tremendously, and I’m not a thin petite, so it’s even more of a challenge! You’re so beautiful and I already love your style from reading just a handful of posts! Newest follower, girl! :)

    Posted 4.4.11 Reply
  24. melody-mae wrote:

    such a cute skirt, you did an awesome job and it looks adorable on too!

    Posted 4.4.11 Reply
  25. Oh my goodness so cute! I came across your blog through Elaine’s. How in the world do you find time to “whip up” a skirt in one afternoon with 3 kids?? Great job!!

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  26. Cami wrote:

    I wish I could just whip up a skirt like that! It’s amazing and so cute! Good choice on the tea length…I love it!
    Love your style and such a cute blog

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  27. oh my…what a lovely skirt! so fun and springy! I’m popping by from the Pleated Poppy-

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  28. crystal b. wrote:

    You did a great job on those pleats! Super hard, especially when you are trying to line up a pattern in the fabric.

    Love the skirt, you rocked it.

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  29. Ashley wrote:

    That skirt is sooooo fabulous!!!

    Ash @

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  30. so when do we get the tutorial on how to make that FAB skirt?! Uh- Mazing. Crazy. So classic. Love your whole pairing. I’m a new follower. ;)

    Posted 4.7.11 Reply
  31. Rachel wrote:

    Wow, that skirt is beautiful! I love it and I’m a new follower!

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

    Posted 4.7.11 Reply
  32. Rachel wrote:

    Please share a tutorial on how you did that. It is AWESOME!!!!

    Posted 4.8.11 Reply