When we moved to our tiny town in Northern Utah, I knew that with the wide open spaces, cute shops, old fashion main street, and boutique restaurants would come certain trade-offs. One of them being convenience. And by convenience I mean we don’t have a Target. (why don’t we have a Target?! Waaaah.) We’ve got two Walmarts (useless) but no Target. We don’t have most of the other stores I like to shop at either, and I’ve gotten really good at shopping online, but sometimes you just want to walk through those fabulous red doors, or hang out in a store and actually touch the things you’re buying before you commit. (I know, I’m weird.) So when I get in a particularly retail inclined mood or I ahem, forget to order Hannah’s birthday presents in time we make a day trip down to SLC and try to hit all our favorites in one shot. (Ikea, Pottery Barn, Target, the MAC counter- to name a few) Poor Mr. He’s not a huge fan of shopping, (he’s a real get in, get out kind of person, and I like to enjoyyyyyy it, if you know what I mean) but he was such a trooper. We stopped for a caramel apple and a bit of toffee at the end, so it wasn’t a total wash for him. Plus you know, he got to hang with me and a chubby baby all day so yeah, double bonus.
Also, I think I should let you know that I’ve decided to boycott shorts this summer. Not exclusively, but for the most part. I decided I don’t like the way my short little legs look in shorts and that I would rather wear dresses and skirts all day everyday, and so that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. Especially when it’s too hot for cropped pants. Do you know what I’ve rediscovered? Dresses make you feel absolutely fantastic.
Dress: Gap.
Hat: Target.
Shoes: Old.
Bag: Michael Kors. (similar here.)
Belt: Mr.’s.
Stroller: JJ Cole. (I absolutely adore it, in case you were wondering.)

You are a fantastic lady and a great mother!! I love the way you live your life!! Oh and your blog is on the top of my favs list!
Yeah. What she said:)
I totally feel the same way about myself in shorts. They are convenient but I have short legs and don’t feel like they flatter them. Dresses and skirts on the other hand are my fave and they always make me feel comfy and put together!
I feel your pain. We live in the middle of nowhere. No Target for 2 hours, not even a Walmart for an hour. I love your dress. I struggle with trying to get ready everyday. You make it look so easy. I sent you an email last week, I hope you got it. Thinking about you. xoxo
I love this outfit. So cute. I was wondering what color or foundation your wear from Bareminerals? I recently got some of the ready foundation in Medium Beige. I am not to sure I like the color. But your always looks so good. Just thought i would ask. :)
I love this outfit. So cute. And I feel your pain. I live in Rexburg and we dont even have cute little boutiques. I was wondering what color or foundation do you wear from Bareminerals? I recently got the ready foundation int he Medium Begie. But not sure I love the color. Your always looks so good. Just thought I would ask. :)
I wear medium beige in the summer and medium in the winter. After I had Ava I wore fairly light for awhile because I was so pale and anemic, and my foundation made me look orange. Haha. I love ready, but you have to find just the right shade. ;-)
Cori, I can’t follow you on feedly now that you’ve moved over here? Do you know how I can fix this?
Yes, I’m having trouble, too. Really want to be able to follow you there!
Hi Cori
I was curious about your tablet. What kind is it and what are your thoughts on it compared to others. I want to get a tablet soon but not sure what kind. I appreciate your feedback!
It’s a Samsung Galaxy Note 8. I love it, but its the first one I’ve ever had. I was sort of like eh, why do I need a tablet and now I am addicted. Haha! It doesn’t have cell connection though, so you have to have wifi to get the internet. Next time I think I would get the Samsung with the cell connection. Hope this helps. ;-)
any time i talk my husband into going to city creek with me, we always stop at rocky mtn chocolate factory and get a toffee caramel apple :) makes it all worth it!
Cori. I am expecting my first baby and I’ve been looking at strollers a lot. I like the stroller that you have for you little girl Ava. However, how do you like it? The reason I ask is because I see the reasoning and usefulness of having one of those strollers that have the car seat attachment option — I figure if your baby is asleep then you don’t have to wake them to transfer them to the stroller (or at least you hope to). However, I don’t love the look of those strollers with that option. So, I was wondering — from your experience, what do you think? Is it that big of deal to have to grab the baby out of the car seat to transfer to the stroller? Or does your stroller (and please provide brand and model, if you don’t mind) have that capability as well. I personally, prefer the look of this type of stroller — then the all plastic ones with prints and car-seat attachment…like Graco. Thanks.