Pants: Old Navy. Sweater: Downeast. Necklace: J Crew Factory. (similar) Shoes: Enzo Angiolini. Bag: Ivanka Trump. (this one is amazing.) Watch: Michael Kors. Coat: J Crew. Ring: TJMaxx. (similar.)
Yesterday was such a good day, which isn’t always a given (it is January the sixth after all). Did you know my birthday has been dubbed “most depressing day of the year,” for a good portion of my life. It’s true. But yesterday was a really really happy day for me. Even though my baby pooped in the bath, and my husband is out of town for work, and then later in the day same baby put a hand in the toilet. Seriously, Ava?! It was good because, around 5 o’clock in the afternoon when I started to feel like my kids were little chickens pecking me to death, and the babe was crying and did not want to be put down, my sister showed up with balloons and cupcakes, and then my mom and my other sisters and their families. And I just decided I wasn’t going to care that everything wasn’t neat and tidy metaphorically and otherwise at that precise moment, and I was just going to enjoy life and the moment and especially the people around me. You know what, it was such an amazing night. And I think we have a great deal of control over how we feel in any given situation. Just so long as we decide. Put that in your New Years blender and juice it. ;-)
FYI- My sisters and I went and saw Saving Mr. Banks last night. Holy Cow. So good.
If you like Disney, or Tom Hanks, or Emma Thompson, or just great movies in general, go see it.
I happen to like all 4.
Happy Tuesday everyone. I’m wildly happy to be 31.

I love the white coat against the snow and the color of these pants is great!
Sparkles and Shoes
Happy Birthday!! And Saving Mr. Banks was AMAZING. I love all 4 too… Somebody better win an Oscar for this. Mary Poppins was my favorite movie as a kid and I was weeping at the end of this. :)
Glad to hear you had a good birthday. The mix of greens is wonderful and I love the crisp white. Great post!
– Jordan
Yay!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the day.
That green is gorgeous. I need a skirt that color.
Love this outfit! And so glad to hear you had a nice birthday surrounded by friends and family. Happy 31! Tell me, how do get gorgeous photos if your husband is out of town? And I’ve been following your blog now for like two years (is that weird? creepy?) and I’ve been too shy to ask but hey, it’s a new year, and I’m just wondering how you manage to get dressed everyday with four little ones? I had my first this year and became a stay-at-home-mom and feel like I wear the same frumpy clothes everyday :( It’s a new year and I really want to aim to get myself together everyday, not only for myself but for my husband too. What’s your secret? And please don’t say during nap time because my eight month old only naps for 45mins at a time :(
Hi Monica,
Sometimes my big sister helps me out with pictures. Don’t be too hard on yourself. When I first became a mom, I felt like I couldn’t chew gum and be a mom at the same time. I was so overwhelmed by it. You get better at it the longer you do it, it becomes easier to do more with less time and more distractions. Getting dressed is a huge priority for me, because if I don’t do it, I get down. I wake up earlier than my kids (most days…) exercise and get at least most of the way ready. (showered and dressed at the very least) then I can have the baby play on the floor next to me while I fix my hair or put on a little make-up if I didn’t quite finish before she was up. Also, a little trick. Find a go-to outfit formula that works for you, and that you always feel great in. Mine is boot-cut jeans and a jumper sweater with a button-up blouse underneath in the winter, and boyfriend jeans with a fun top in the summer… Start with your formula (you can find a million different ways to do it just by mixing and matching tops and bottoms) and then branch out from there. It doesn’t have to be mind-blowing to help you feel put together and look great. Hope this helps!
Thanks, Cori! This was really helpful. I’ve already got outfit ideas brewing in my head and can’t wait to get started. I’m also going to start setting that alarm clock a couple times a week to get myself up and running before my little one wakes. Thanks again! PS: Your littles are adorable and Ava’s cheeks just kill me :)
I get the poop thing, mine was a smearer of poop. Happy birthday you look lovely and hang in there.
Happy belated birthday!!
Happy Birthday, well belated! I see you got the watch you were after (I follow you on Pinterest!) It looks awesome! Enjoy in good health for many, many more years to come!
The best shape of green ever! You look super beautiful in that. Specially loving that you’ve matched it with simple colors and let the green bright.
You are such a beauty!
This is one of my favorite outfits you’ve ever shared. So classy. Love the green and the accessories! :)
So happy that your birthday was wonderful! I can’t agree more that happiness is a choice and we are the deciders of how we experience each situation. Any day can be made better or worse by our attitude and perspective. You have always exhibited such a positive outlook and it is inspiring.
I want to see Saving Mr. Banks so badly! I also happen to love all 4, Emma Thompson is genius and add Disney & Tom Hanks and a great movie is inevitable!
Love those green pants! I’m so happy to hear your sisters and mom took you out! I was wondering about that after our chat. Anyways, Happy Birthday again! Glad it turned out to be a wonderful day for you. Babies pooping in baths are not fun. I’ve had too many of those experiences…Love ya!
Happy Belated birthday! Glad to hear your family stop by and made your day so special!
Love this winter white with green look!
i absolutely love this! beautiful necklace
ladies in navy
Hi Cori,
Lovely outfit as usual and loved your response to Monika, so useful!
Nat xx
Happy birthday Corilynn! I hope that this year will be full of blessings for you and your family.
Happy birthday!! My husband’s is Jan 5th, so I know it can be hard to make early January a festive time, but it’s doable. On our list is to someday celebrate in St George, or even better, Mexico or Hawaii! :)