I’ve been meaning to write this post for the past couple weeks, but it turns out life is busy, especially when you’re moving. Yes. We’re moving again. Back to Seattle, our favorite city in the world.
Four years ago, or so, right when Mr. was in the throes of his MBA at ASU we got really into watching Lost on Netflix. And when I say “into” I mean, we were obsessed. If you’ve read this blog for awhile you know that we aren’t big TV watchers. In fact, this morning I wanted to turn PBS kids on for Ava and it took me a solid five minutes to figure out how our stupid cable box works. I know, pathetic. But back to Lost. Getting hooked on a show that you can binge watch on Netflix when you’re in the middle of an intense master’s program and also working full time, was probably not the wisest choice, but we were hooked nonetheless.
Remember how after Jack and Kate get off the island, Jack goes a little cray-zay and starts saying “we have to go back” over and over again? Well, that became a bit of a joke for us after we left Seattle in August 2012. Craig used to look at me whenever we were having a particularly “homesick for Seattle” type moment and say “we have to go back!” Then, last August, a year after we left the PNW, we sat in Iver’s at Coulon park on Lake Washington and asked ourselves why on earth we didn’t live there anymore. Out of all the places we’ve lived, Seattle felt like our truest home, so when an opportunity came up for Craig in the emerald city we knew it was right. There are so many reasons why this move is a really good thing for our family, and for Craig’s career, and for our clothing line. Change is always bittersweet, and it’s hard for me to think about living far away from my sisters again, and hard for me to think about leaving Ruby behind here–not being able to drive over to her spot anytime I want to feel close to her. But, I know this is what the Lord wants for our family. Too many things have fallen into place, and I feel calm and peaceful. But mostly, I trust Him.
And I feel happy and excited about the way our life is going.
It’s a little crazy and I’m okay with that.
We are closing the shop for the month of June, while we move and while we continue working on getting all our kickstarter line produced. So we’re cleaning out our inventory before we hit the road next week… Take 10% everything in our “ends” section today through Saturday.
use code: move10
(sale does not apply to any of our “current” or “pre-order” items.
All our current pieces from the new line will still be available for pre-order until the end of June. ;-)

That’s incredibly exciting! I vote you open up a shop in the Seattle area for your Corilynn fans out here :)
Good luck with the move!
how exciting! i’ve been following your blog since you guys lived in AZ and when you first lived in Seattle. It’s amazing how God makes it all fall into place in such a way that it’s easy for you to say yes with his leading! Congrats!
Yes, I always knew you were meant to be here! Just kidding! Kind of.
Yahoo!! I keep telling Jake it will feel real when I can actually see your face, and hug you and your cute kids. It’s just too good to be true. Love it so much. Love you so much.
Noooooo Cori….Stacy and I have to come see you before you move! I’m sure it’s probably too late for that. :( Good luck with your adventures in Seattle! It’s a beautiful city.
My comments always get cut off… I also was saying that I’m so happy for you guys and excited and can’t wait for some girl time with you! Love ya!
That is so exciting!
How exciting that you get to move back to your favorite city. Two things, my hubby is in dental school and we are currently obsessed with Lost, about to turn on an episode currently :) and second, we are moving to Seattle this September. I am soooo nervous. I am from Arizona and the weather of Seattle makes me squirm! Plus I am having a baby this October in a complete foreign place to me. I need your love of the city to rub off on me. Any advice or tips are welcome!! :)
Hi, Cori! Congrats on the move :)
Your website says that the move10 code “(sale does apply to any of our “current” or “pre-order” items.”, but I can’t seem to get it to work for the shoreline dress…any help would be much appreciated. Thanks a bunch!!!
hi Katie, I’m sorry that was supposed to say does not apply… typo. The sale only applies to ends items. Sorry about that!
If you love Coulon, I’m just going to throw it out there that you should check out living in Kennydale or Newcastle. It’s a fabulous ward and we love living so close to the lake and beaches!
ahhh! how exciting for you! i live in seattle and am now dreaming of a storefront holding all your dresses….:)
We are so excited for you guys and the big move! But sad we haven’t seen more of you since you’ve been in Utah. It’s funny you referenced lost because we started rewatching:) you know, in the midst of working full time and working on a masters. It’s fun to lose yourself in something. Anyway, when do you leave? Maybe the kids and I can day trip up to Logan for the big send off:)
Love you and your adorable fam.
Woman…YOU are really LIVING! So much has happened in you life just as I’ve read this blog. Apparently, a lot happened prior to that. Through all that I have read here, I’ve watched you deal with ups and downs, share some of your fears and frustrations, gain perspective, learn from the tough times, roll with the punches, stop to express gratitude, burn the candle from both ends, etc…
I need to get moving on my own life!
Congrats on the move, I wondered about the details when your dad announced it, very exciting stuff.
Sad to leave your precious baby. Thankfully, you have three amazing sisters to go visit Ruby for you, and a few reasons to go back to Cache Valley to visit her yourself. Good luck with everything!
As a born and raised West Seattleite, I love living here and would never live anywhere else. I started following your blog when you lived here. So happy for you and your family that you get to move back! Come check out West Seattle, it is an awesome place to live. 10 minutes to downtown (not during rush hour), 20 minutes to the airport. Tons of great restaurants and shops! Good luck with your move!
Welcome back! Seattle has been waiting for you! I second opening a shop for all us fans out here…preferably the east side! :)
Cori, I am so thrilled for you guys! As the “school-widow” to a man working on his MBA and working full-time, I can totally relate to losing yourself in a show and finding things you can do together that you can fit in here, there and everywhere and just having that escape! It really is funny how much that can help! I am so excited for you guys to be back where you were so happy. Having read this blog for many years now (AZ the first time, many moons ago), I feel like it has been my privilege to peek at your life as you went through all of these changes and moving into new exciting roles. Can’t wait to see more as you “move on”!
Sooo…I grew up in Bellevue, but have lived in the bay area since BYU. I’d love to get back “home” but I’m sincerely concerned about the winters. Since you have lived in sunny places, can you comment on the adjustment to the northwest??
Welcome back! We live in Seattle, but what you just described is exactly how we feel about… Vermont. Life is funny!
Best of luck moving!
I’m so jealous! I’ve always wanted to live in Seattle, but every time we try something happens and we end up not being able to go. I can’t wait to see your pictures from when you movie.
Fashion and Happy Things