Skirt: My design. (available here.) Top: JCrew Factory. (almost sold out, very similar here.) Tights: Loft. Shoes: Old. (similar here.) Field Jacket: Loft. (old. similar here and here.) Hat: Target. Bag: Ivanka Trump.(similar here.) Necklace: Target. (also similar here.)
I just love wearing warm skirts with tights this time of year. I truly do.
And here’s a little shorty tip for looking taller (winter version):
Just like nude pumps can work wonders for making your legs look longer, pairing tights with shoes of the same hue can give your legs the illusion of length. Trust me, I’m way shorter than I look here.
I try never to cut my legs off to spite my height…
This amazing pair of wedges would look perfect with a pair of great opaque grey tights.
psst. these buffalo skirts are back in stock, but very limited. (last time they sold out in a few hours so…)

Great tip:P
Shall We Sasa
nice tip and cute skirt
Such a good trick to use with something other than nude or black!
great heels and i do think that a dark tight and dark shoes often makes you look way taller!
ladies in navy
Haha. One of my biggest struggles in recent years has been trying to perfectly match various shades of gray tights to gray shoes. It’s a difficult thing. Not sure why gray shoes and tights are not more popular than they are so I have more options.
It’s so crazy that I’m 99% certain that this bridge is super close to my house, especially after seeing pictures at lake boren park in previous posts. I drive through here every single day! I never realized you lived in the same area, so now I’m hoping for a blogger sighting ;)
Love the buffalo plaid skirt!
those shoes are amazing! this is a great tip for looking taller.. I never think about doing that with tights, but it makes so much sense :)
I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out how to look taller… it’s a necessity when you’re 4’11” ;-)
Will you get this skirt back in stock again?