my summer target haul with Persil ProClean.

persil target run

mom in the kitchen

Summertime around our house is all about the being outside; bike rides, kickball games in the grass, afternoons at the beach park and lots of dining alfresco.  Oh yes, and the food.  Barbecuing in the evenings, chips and guac, juicy watermelon, hot dogs smothered in ketchup, fresh squeezed lemonade and stove tops smores on the front porch.  Grass stains and picnic spills are abundant and dirt gets tracked through the house at least once a day. (No matter how many times I tell the kids to take off their shoes. Aggghhh!)

target haul persil target haul persil

But, life is so good in the summertime.  Even my Target hauls are more fun.  (That dollar section up front gets me every time.)

persil at target stove top smores making stovetop smores smores outside summertime smores eating summertime smores eating smores eating smores 3 eating smores 2

Since Target is my mothership of all things domestic, I’m typically there at least twice a week picking up everything from milk to avocados to a lamp for the living room or a new pair of summer sandals for Ava.  In the summer I’m buying sunblock and pool floaties, and lots and lots of salsa.  I love that I can buy pretty things for my house and my closet and still grab the bananas, and dishwasher soap I need.  I mean how many stores can you actually say that about?

I’m extra stoked too because Target is finally carrying one of my favorite brands of laundry detergent, Persil ProClean.  We like to wear lots of bright colors and whites in the summer months, and because we’re also dealing with the added spills and dirt of all our summertime shenanigans, stepping up my stain removal game is a necessity.  I love Persil ProClean because it’s an amazing stain remover, but it’s not rough on our clothes and it leaves the colors brighter and the whites whiter.  I like the the clothes that I invest in to last and that means choosing a great laundry detergent that will both clean and preserve them.  Which is why I love Persil.  And now, yay(!) I don’t have to make a separate trip because I can grab it any time I pop into Target for a thing or two (or the whole store, which let’s face it, is what usually happens).

eating smores outside

 Persil is available at select Target stores across the nation or everywhere online.  You can check Target’s website to see if your local store is carrying the detergent.  And do yourself a favor and try the Intense Fresh scent, the smell is sooooo good.

target haul persil proclean

*this post was created in partnership is Persil ProClean.

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  1. Amy wrote:

    I really love your blog and your style but I’ve found myself visiting less often as your posts become increasingly and obviously sponsored. I understand you have to earn a living and I imagine I’d have a hard time turning away sponsorship income, too, but I miss the days of your simple site, selling your beautiful designs on your website with no product placement. As much as everyone says, “The opinions are mine” it’s simply human nature to want to please the people that are paying you! Don’t get me wrong, I use Persil, too, but I come back here hoping and waiting for some beautiful new skirts to show up on, more like the Kickstarter good ol’ days.

    Posted 5.16.16 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      Hi Amy, I’m so sad to hear that. I don’t actually accept many sponsored posts, and when I do, I ALWAYS disclose it at the bottom of the post. (For example, my post about my Warby Parker at home try-on was NOT sponsored, I just wanted everyone to know about their glasses because I love what they are doing as a brand and it was something I had looked for myself and was excited about.) If I blog about something, sponsored or not it is always because I love it. (I say no to most companies who approach me about sponsored posts because that’s really important to me) And I really love Persil, and I also really love Target. (much to my husband’s dismay) Anyway, I wish I could say that I’ll be doing more skirts, but it’s just not in the cards for me right now. I still love designing but with my kids getting older and needing more and more from me, blogging has become a great way for me to earn a little extra money on the side, and keep my creative outlet while not taking precious time away from my kids. thanks so much for visiting. best wishes, Cori

      Posted 5.16.16 Reply
  2. Carrie wrote:

    I have to say that I’m on the boycott Target bandwagon now because of their bathroom policies!

    Posted 5.16.16 Reply
  3. Morgan wrote:

    I love your blog sponsored or not. My kids are probably very close in age to your kids, so I definitely understand about not having time! I’m so happy to hear you are doing what works best for you and your family. I love all your different outfit ideas. I am also short so your blog really helps me understand what looks best on me. The only thing I wish you would wear are shorts! I know they make your legs look shorter and all that, but it’s really hot and humid here in Texas and I need some help! It’s just not practical for me to wear skirts everyday trying to keep up with my boys. Thank you for all your inspiration and do what makes you happy! And I love Target too!

    Posted 5.17.16 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      Thank you so much Morgan! you literally made my day. I will get on the shorts thing and see if we can both tackle it! xoxo

      Posted 5.18.16 Reply