skirt. (sold out. similar here and here.) top. boots. (similar.) coat. bag. tights. sunglasses. suitcase.(similar.)
Yesterday morning we loaded into our (very) fully packed car and drove 13.5 hours to Utah. This morning my husband and I are climbing on a plane to fly to the east coast for a few days, and then we’ll be back in time for a fun-packed holiday with both of our families. We don’t always travel during the holidays, but having all our families live far away means its a fairly regular occurrence. Which means, that over the years I’ve become a veritable ninja mom when it comes to holiday travel, and today I’m sharing all my tips and packing essentials with you…
This year, having an extra trip thrown in the mix and an extra long stay added a whole new level of complication, and I can attest that these tips really, really helped me not to lose my mind whilst prepping the 6 of us for the departure and keeping all of us happy on the drive out.
1- Pack mindfully. I know the holidays are crazy busy, and you’ll be tempted by the time you actually get to packing to just throw all the warm things in your suitcase, but don’t do it! You’ll end up with a suitcase bursting at the seams and you won’t actually have anything you need. Take an extra few hours, and think about what you’ll be doing each day, then pack mindfully, and things that coordinate. And don’t forget a little black dress!
2- Ship as many gifts as you can. My husband is the king of Amazon this time of year. Seriously, he orders everything now. (heaven bless Amazon prime.) When we’re traveling for Christmas we try to order all our gifts and have them shipped right to our family’s house. Then I wrap them up when we get there. Easy peasy. Saves so much space in the car, and we’re all more comfortable/happy while we travel. (ps. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SHIP AND GET IT IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!)
3-Hydrate. Stay hydrated, drink lots of water and keep your skin hydrated with a great lotion. It’s cold outside in the winter, which means the heater is usually blasting, which dries out your skin in a bad way. Keep a small travel bottle of your favorite lotion in your bag at all times, and a big bottle of water. If you’re traveling with kids, keep them drinking and have (force) them to put lotion on throughout the travel day. This is my favorite lotion and it is so great. It’s not greasy or chalky and is the only thing that cleared up my eczema years ago when I lived in the desert. This is my favorite water bottle because I love being able to infuse fruit.
4- Don’t overpack. Winter clothes are already bulky enough, make sure you don’t over-do it. My trick is to pack things that layer well, and that all go together. You’ll minimize shoes, and save a ton of space. If you are in a place where you can do laundry, pack enough for half the trip. It’s easy to throw a load in at night before bed and stick it in the dryer while you shower/get ready in the morning. You’ll enjoy your trip so much more if you’re not lugging your whole closet around with you.
5-Wool is your best friend. Wool is a magic fabric. It keeps you so, so warm, comes in varying weights, and layers really well. A lot of warmth very little bulk. The great thing about wool too, (especially wool sweaters) is that you don’t need to wash as often. Throw on an undershirt when you wear it, then air it out at the end of the day and you are ready to go again in the morning. I swear by my wool turtlenecks, and wool coats. Wool socks are so great for keeping your toes warm in the snow.
6- Encourage gift cards. Give your family subtle hints that you will need everything to fit on the way home and gift cards are fabulous idea… (You can buy gift cards from stores like Nordstrom right online and have them shipped to family members.)
7. Wear your bulkiest boots while you travel. Unless it’s a pair of sorel boots made for hiking in the actual snow (hello sweaty feet) wear you’re bulky boots on the travel day. It’ll save you a lot of space in your suitcase.
8. Pack healthy snacks. You’ll have to stop way less often, and everyone hates gross gas station food/ fast food. Minimize that by packing healthy snacks. My favorite: apple slices and peanut butter. (They have peanut butter to go now! Brilliant!)
There you have it! 8 tips for smooth holiday travel. Happy packing!

Such brilliant and practical tips!! Love it!! Thanks for sharing!
These are great tips! I definitely agree with hydrate! I get so dry from traveling!