Top.(also available here.) Jeans. Similar slides. Tory Burch bag. Sunglasses. Necklace. Watch.
Last week I cut my hair. Just chopped it right off and had it highlighted. Or “foil-yaged,” or something. It was some combo of foils and balayage, but I don’t speak salon. The point is, I love it. It’s fresh and bright and perfect for summer. Sometimes you’ve just got to blow things up, and make a real definitive change.
We kind of blew our life of last year when we left Seattle and moved across the country to buy a historic farmhouse in New England. And the thing is, I loved Seattle. I mean I really, really loved Seattle. I love the city and the Sound and the culture. I loved my friends and the west coast and all of it.
But the thing is, we weren’t living the life we’d always talked about living. We had always wanted our kids to grow up on property, surrounded my nature, with animals to care for and lots of hard outside jobs to teach them work ethic. We’d dreamed and talked about that life since our earliest days of marriage, and in Seattle we weren’t living it. Seattle always felt like a season in our life, the one before we move to the farm.
And then suddenly, our kids didn’t feel so small anymore and I started to realize that if we didn’t make it happen now, it might not really happen at all. But that’s the things about change. It’s tricky. Especially if you love what your living or what you’re doing, but you kind of know it’s not exactly what you were meant to do or live. Leaving Seattle was hard, because what we had there was so, so good. Great even. But last night, as we roasted marshmallows over the fire we built in the middle of our pasture, at the end of a weekend where Hannah and I hung wallpaper and painted furniture and the boys cleared brush and split wood and helped their dad build a chicken coop, I think we might have ended up in our better place.
This is what we really wanted and I’m so glad we were afraid to “cut off our hair” to get us here.
I think that’s what’s great about getting older, you stop being afraid of change and you embrace what it brings and adds to your life. You also learn who you really are and what you really love.
I’ve had this same transformation with my wardrobe over the last few years. I know so much better now what I really love, and what I really want to wear. My closet is much more curated with pieces that fill me with joy and give me confidence. Which basically means, lots of Madewell tops, stripes, loafers and really anything white. So basically, exactly what I’m wearing here. Hahaha.
The way I see it, life is too fleeting not to live exactly as you dreamed, love your family fiercely, wear what makes you happy, and cut your hair whenever you feel like it.

Thank you for this very uplifting post!
thanks for reading Ginger! xo
Love this. Thank you and cheers to “cutting your hair”! :)
thanks Lindsay! xo
Your hair looks darling!
thanks Paige!
Hi, love your top! I love madewell-what size is your top?