I’ve shared this before and several times over on instagram, but I do a closet clean-out every time the season changes. If you’re not familiar, a closet clean-out is basically just going into your closet and getting rid of the pieces that you don’t love or aren’t serving you anymore. This is a maintenance step. If you’ve never done a full closet over-haul, then I highly recommend doing that first. (More on that later.) Today’s tip is for those of you who have a closet that pretty much functions well, and you want to maintain it. This is where the seasonal clean-out comes in. And they can be very effective at helping you keep your closet light and tight. But here is one simple tip to make your closet clean-out more effective: come back for a second pass.
Basically, what that means is you do your quick seasonal clean-out, basically going through your wardrobe and pulling out any pieces you don’t love/love to wear anymore, things you haven’t worn in a long time, or things that don’t serve your current lifestyle anymore. This is great to do while you’re switching your cold/warm wardrobes out. Get rid of pieces you didn’t wear all winter, think hard about the spring/summer pieces you’re putting back into your closet and so-on… Then set aside your donate/sell bags. A few days later, come back for a second pass. Sometimes, when you are cleaning out your space, it can feel really aggressive, like you’re getting rid of everything! It makes it harder to discern the pieces that you might be holding onto simply because it feels like you’re already getting rid of too much stuff.
So I recommend after you’ve finished with your initial clean-out, set it aside for a day or two, then come back and look through your closet again. I always end up getting rid of several more things during the second pass. I think the reason is when you come back to it you’re not as shocked by the volume you’re getting rid of and it’s easier to look at the pieces critically, and make the decision to keep or ditch them.
If you are ready to do a full-on closet overhaul, which should be done before trying to go in maintenance mode, I highly recommend looking at taking my closet course. I walk you through the entire process of cleaning out and organizing your closet as well as pinpointing your unique style and building your capsule. If you’ve ever felt like you were drowning in clothes and still clueless what to wear, if your closet is perpetually a mess, if you continually waste money buying clothes you don’t really wear, this course is for you. It is designed to not only hold your hand while you clean-out and organize your closet, but also save you time and money, and help you feel like your best most confident self every single day.
Read more about it here.